Chapter 1 💕 Blackmailing Part 1

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"Mom, this is outright blackmail. Why do you always stick to the same topic? Can't you find any other topic to talk about? You know this isn't possible," Kabir expressed his frustration.

"I am your mother. Would I blackmail you?" Kabir's mother Sumitra replied.

"Then what is all this about, Mom?"

"I am just trying to talk to you."

"But I don't want to."

"You will have to. Enough of this from you."


"Meet her just once, son. Maybe you'll change your decision."

"This can never happen, Mom, never." Saying this, Kabir quickly walked out of his mother's room.

As he left, Indrajeet Mehra entered the room and upon seeing his wife Sumitra Mehra, he approached her. Seeing his wife so disheartened, he too felt sorrow. He sat down on the bed beside her.

"He's not agreeing." Sumitra ji said.

"He will. Don't worry." Indrajeet ji console her.

"How can I not worry? Every mother dreams of this."

"We'll try again. Let's have breakfast now. Then we'll think about what to do next," Mr. Indrajeet tried to end the conversation so that Mrs. Sumitra wouldn't dwell too much on all these matters and raise her blood pressure.

During breakfast, everyone in the house was sitting at the dining table. Mr. Indrajeet Mehra, his wife Mrs. Sumitra Mehra, their second son Ishan Mehra, and the youngest and playful son, Sahil Mehra were all present. So, in total, they had three children. Of course, you've met the eldest one, Kabir Mehra.

"Mom! Where's bhai? He is not having breakfast today?" Ishan asked.

"He's gone to the office," Sumitra quietly replied while having breakfast.

Seeing his mother lost in thought, Ishan looked towards his father. Mr. Indrajeet blinked his eyes.

"So, bhai refused again," this time Sahil spoke up.

When Ishan glared his brother, he fell silent.

After that, two days passed normally. No one spoke to Kabir about this topic.

Two days later, Kabir came home late at night. By then, everyone in the house had eaten and gone to bed because Kabir had already informed that he would be late. When Kabir entered the house, there was no one in the living room, so he headed towards his room. When he came back downstairs after changing clothes, he saw Ishan sitting on the sofa. Kabir felt a bit uneasy about this. However, Ishan was talking on the phone at that time. Kabir wasn't in the habit of eavesdropping on someone's conversation, but something happened that made him pause. He stopped and started listening to the conversation.

"I'm sorry, I am really very sorry!" Ishan was saying on the phone. "I have to do this, forget me," he continued.

Kabir couldn't understand why Ishan was behaving like this, what had happened after all. He saw that Ishan had hung up the phone because he couldn't speak further. He noticed that Ishan's eyes were completely red, there was moisture in the corners of his eyes, but tears were not flowing as if he was suppressing the storm raging inside him.

When Ishan started to leave, his gaze fell on Kabir standing in front of him. So, hoping that he might not have heard anything, Ishan quickly composed himself and approached his big brother, Kabir.

"Who were you talking to?" Kabir asked directly.

" one, bhai," Ishan didn't expect this question.

"I saw, don't lie now."


"What's going on, Ishan? You won't tell me?"

Ishan remained silent.

"Are you talking to Ishita?"

"Yes! Bhai."

"What happened between you two?"

"I broke off the engagement!"

"What?" Kabir was shocked to hear this.

For a few moments, there was complete silence.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you even aware of what you're saying?"

"Yes! Bhai!"

"What 'yes bhai'! Your wedding is in a month, preparations are almost done, and you're saying you're breaking off the engagement."

"I... I'm not breaking off the engagement, bhai, it's already broken."

"Ishan!...I need to know the reason for this," Kabir yelled, not to someone else but his dad, Mr. Indrajeet Mehera, overheard.

"I love Ishita a lot, bhai. I can't even imagine leaving her. But I love my mom, dad, and brother more than her. How can it be that one son of the same mother always bears pain while the other celebrates happiness? It was only because of your insistence that I agreed to the wedding, but I can't bear to see my mom unhappy. I won't get married until you do. She'll be very happy with my wedding, but she'll be much, much happier when she sees you getting married along with me."

"You know this can't happen. I've already given someone else the place of my wife, and now no one else can take her place."

"So, I'm also my brother's brother. I won't get married until you do."

"You're not understanding, Ishan."

"You're not understanding, bhai. She's gone, and now you should move on too."

"This can't happen, never."

Saying this, Kabir went back to his room. Ishan stood there for a while, then after thinking for a bit, he also returned to his room. Mr. Indrajeet Mehra, standing outside his room, a little away from the stairs and heard everything. He started getting worried. The atmosphere of the house had changed since an incident five years ago. But seeing today's scene, he felt he should talk to Kabir once again. With this thought, he approached Kabir's room. Upon reaching outside his room, he knocked on the door. Kabir opened the door, and saw his dad was standing there. His dad came inside.

"Dad, why are you still awake at this hour?"

"A father whose children are awake, how can that father sleep?"

"Hmm! So, you heard everything, dad."


"You all knew beforehand, didn't you?"


"Yet no one told me, nor did anyone try to stop him."

"Because he's right."

"This is wrong, Dad. Think about that girl who has been dreaming of her wedding for so long. Such a decision cannot be made in a moment, Dad. It will crush her."

"This is their decision, Kabir."

"And you all accepted it. You didn't even try to stop them."

"We all just want both of you to settle down together."

"Why are you making unnecessary efforts? You know this can't happen."

"Why don't you forget, it's been five years."

"I can't forget. She is my life."


Hey Readers, that's it for today. Hope you all like it. Please vote for my efforts. Thank you and love you all.

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