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*Willow's POV*

We walk side by side along the sidewalks of the town, taking in the sights of all of the new shops. It's become so crowded here, due to everyone wanting to live in the same town as my mother and father, and all of the other victors.

Even with all of the livelihoods of people, and all of the commotion everywhere, there's a silence between me and Flynn. I look up at him to see him staring ahead, and I look back down at my hands.

"Are we okay?" I ask, not meeting his face. He doesn't answer for a moment, and my heart sinks.

"Yes," he starts quietly. "I'm just thinking about a lot."
"I'm sorry." I remark, but he entwines his hand in mine and brings my gaze to his face.

"It's not you, Willow." He reassures me, but my attention is redirected to a sound in the distance.

I look away from him, and I gesture for him to move to the left so I can see where the noise is coming from. I don't see anything at first, but then my eyes land on an aircraft flying this way.


It overpasses us and continues to move behind us. I turn around to see where it's going, but my heart drops as I see it heading towards the victors village. My hand falls away from his grasp, and I watch in shock as it lands inside of the gate.

Being a short distance away from the gate, I can see reporters flooding the tall gate, all of them desperately trying to get a glimpse of what is happening.

"Flynn," I start breathlessly. "This hasn't happened since—" I start moving towards home, walking as fast as I can.

"Willow, wait." He calls out, holding me back from moving any closer. He turns my body and holds my face towards his.

"Don't look, Lo." His eyes fill with tears as he looks behind me, and I can feel his hands tremble on my jaw.

"Is it her?" I ask, praying he'll say no.

Praying he'll say it's not my mom.

He doesn't answer.

I turn around at the wrong moment, and I see her on a stretcher being transported into the aircraft. My dad is right beside the stretcher, and it looks like he's holding her face. I start walking even closer until I'm directly outside of the gate, and I watch as the aircraft begins to take off. It flies in the direction it came from, and I begin crying at the sight of it leaving.

"My mom—" I start but I can't finish my sentence.

He wraps his arms around me and shields me from the oncoming flashing lights and photos, and I can hear the commotion of all of the reporters.

"Don't lift your head, sweetheart." He says quietly into my ear. I nod my head against his chest, and he begins to rub my back softly. "I'll guide you through the gate."

He moves with his back towards the camera, and I'm walking backwards until I feel him pull one of his arms away to close the gate. He keeps me to his chest, but he doesn't move any further. He waits for me to pull away on my own time, but I can barely manage being in my own head; let alone thinking of leaving the safety of his arms.

"What happened?" I mumble into his chest, trying to figure out what could've happened in the single hour I was gone. I don't understand it—how could she have been airlifted out of here?

What could've happened—I don't—I—

"You should go lie down, and I'll call the hospital in the Capitol." He says, combing his hands through my hair. "They're not going to leave us alone until we're out of sight."

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