The Letter.

302 4 16

*Katniss's POV*

I fumble with the fragile piece of paper, fumbling it between my shaking hands. The words written inside are hard to fathom.

"Haymitch, I've decided to ultimately divorce Katniss. After our conversation a few days prior, I feel that this is best for me. Her health is deteriorating rapidly, including both mental and physical. I can't handle the stress I'm being put under due to this. This decision should be final within the next day, so please don't bother with her actions if she is acting insane. From yours truly, Peeta."

A tear streams down my face.

He's going to leave me. He's going to be gone tomorrow, never to come back. His arms, the once sweet, delicate arms I have lingered in evermore. How can he leave? I finally opened up to him—I didn't hide my feelings.

How did I not see this coming? It all finally makes sense. The hesitation with me, the lack of clarity with his emotions towards me, the distance. This is all my fault, everything is completely my fault. I never should've allowed myself to trust him this easily. I never should've trusted her in that bakery. I knew it was skeptical, I had an instinct. And my instincts are fairly right.

I hear his footsteps approach the kitchen. I quickly shove the paper in a drawer below the island and wipe the tear from my cheek. I turn my body towards the window, shielding my broken heart. I can't face him, the boy with the bread.

No, he's gone. The boy I once knew and loved is gone. All that's left is a boy I think I know, but his actions point directly in the opposite way. How can I ever trust him again? How can I ever trust anyone again? Haymitch knew. He must've. It hurts my entire mind to know he kept this from me.

"Are you doing okay?" He asks while walking by me. I shudder by the sound of his voice.

How can he possibly act like everything is fine when he's going to be gone tomorrow? I gave everything I possible could, I tried so hard. But I guess that wasn't enough for him. I'm never enough for him.

I refuse to answer him. I wont do it. I quickly walk out of the kitchen and begin my way towards the living room. Both Willow and Rye are in there, so that will limit his abilities to try and talk to me.

I see their faces, and all I can see is him. They both reflect him so easily and it breaks my heart to see them. My heart feels broken; my mind is broken, everything is broken. How will I take care of them by myself? How will I take care of everything? How will I take care of myself in general?

"Hey, Mom," Willow smiles as I walk in.

She seems happy, which is strange considering the fact that just a few hours ago she was crying uncontrollably about kids at school. It's strange that I was in his arms, opening up about not wanting to live anymore, and he's been planning to leave for a while. He could've given me time to change, time to make this right. I would give anything in the world to be with him longer. But he clearly made his decision.

"Hey," I barely squeak, holding in all my emotions.

I sit down beside Rye on the couch and he smiles up and me. His hair, his face—all reminders of what's going to be gone. I brush the curly blonde locks away from his face while looking into his great eyes. My eyes line with tears and I pull him close to me. I wrap my arms around him and gently rub his back, moving my hand back and forth.

"Is something wrong, Mama?" He asks against my chest. I shake my head softly while embracing him. A tear slips down my cheek and I close my eyes to prevent the rest from falling down my face.

His hands gently brush my shoulder, and I shudder at the touch. He leans into my ear quietly, and whispers.
"Tell me what's wrong, darling."

I freeze at his breath against my skin, the sensation vibrating throughout me. I want to cave so badly. So badly. But it will all be gone by tomorrow—everything I've ever known. I'll give him something he won't pause to think about again. I carefully set Rye back down and he flashes me a look of confusion before I'm able to move away. I try to keep my distance, walking towards the front door. As the tears fall constantly, he reaches me and pulls my hand to force me to face him.

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