The Wedding.

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*Katniss's POV*

I sigh as I wake up to the sight of sunlight peeking through my curtains, not dreading but feeling apprehensive about the day ahead of myself. Today I have to stand in front of everyone and marry my person, although I'm scared.

It took many days of convincing to get Effie to agree to letting Peeta stay with me last night, because she insisted on us not seeing each other today. She organized the entire gathering, and I'm grateful for the help—I'm not sure I'd be able to do any of it without her.

I notice Peeta begins to play with my hair, his way of letting me know he's awake too. I smile at the feeling, and I sit up and face him, beginning to look into his very blue eyes.

"Effie will be here any second—she's never late." I remark, sitting on the palm of my hand. He nods his head in agreement, and I smile at the sight of his disheveled hair.

"I'd assume so." He laughs, sitting up as well.

He leans closer to me to kiss me on the forehead before beginning to get out of bed. My smile fades due to him leaving, but I quickly follow after him and get out of bed as well.

There's no point in staying in the bed if he's not there. I get out of bed and head downstairs.

I'm greeted at the bottom of the stairs by my front door opening, and I watch as Effie and her friends flood through my door. I plaster a fake smile onto my face before meeting eyes with all of them.

They all grin at me and I finally lock eyes with Effie.

"Oh, Katniss." She remarks, and it's almost as if she's tearing up. "You're going to be the most beautiful bride in the country."

"Thank you, Effie." I say, and I mean it. "For everything."

"I'd do anything for you, dear." She smiles softly. "You know that."

She pulls me into a hug, and I don't feel a resistance towards her. I feel comfort in her arms—a feeling I haven't felt in my mother's in years—and I take in the warmth of them.

This day might actually become one of my favorite moments.


Effie's team begins working on my hair and makeup, which I try my best not to object to any of it. Venia, one of Effie's close friends, begins to do my hair, and I watch as she delicately braids my hair down my back. She leaves pieces out in the front, put pins them ever so slightly to give the illusion of them to be falling.

I watch Effie whisper into Venia's ear, and she smiles before leaning over and grabbing a few flowers. It takes me a moment to realize that they're stringing primroses throughout my hair, and I fight the urge to tear up from the sight—not wanting to ruin Octavia's hard work on my eye makeup.

They help my slip into my dress, and I turn around to look at myself fully in the mirror. It somewhat shocks me, the person looking back at me in the mirror, and it takes my eyes a few moments to adjust to the fact that the person in the mirror is me.

"You look absolutely magnificent, my dear." Effie smiles, handing me a bouquet at the same time.

I smile at the sight of the flowers, and I nod my head in acceptance at her. I take a deep breath, and she smiles at my nerves.

"Haymitch wants to see you." She says softly, and I nod my head in acknowledgment.

She carefully leads me down the stairs and I try my best not to trip down the staircase. I watch as Haymitch turns around at the sound of me descending the stairs, and his face lights up when he sees me. He walks closer to me and looks me up and down before tilting his head slightly.

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