I didn't want to.

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|In this chapter there will be mentions of harsh topics and there will be mentions of s.a.(not described fully!!) but it will be a sad chapter so if you want to skip then you can go on:)|

*Peeta's POV*

I look from the ground to see her sad and teary eyes. Her eyes are rimmed with red and her nose is running. She looks away from me and I can tell she's upset.

"What's the matter, darling?" I ask watching as she sits at the table crying. "Did I do something?" She doesn't reply and I'm worried. Everything was fine this morning, I left for a while to check out this new place for a possible bakery.

Is she that upset about me wanting to start the bakery back up?

"Katniss, tell me what's wrong." I say reaching for her hand, but I notice she flinches. She pulls away and her tears stream more rapidly. I start to speak but I catch a glimpse of Willow in the corner of my eye. I don't want her watching Katniss have a meltdown.
I sigh as I stand from the table, leaving the kitchen and finding Willow and Rye siting on the stairs. They look at me and I can tell they're frightened.

"Come on." I sat, gesturing for them to go back upstairs. "You should sleep, it'll all be fine by morning." I remark quietly. They nod and we slowly walk upstairs, them sneaking a glance every so often at Katniss.

As I start to tuck Rye into his bed, Willow interjects. "Could he sleep with me tonight, Dad?" I smile softly, and Willow smiles too. I tuck them both into Willow's bed and leave the nightlight on.

"Need anything else?" I ask softly while leaning on the doorframe.
"No," they both remark, but I notice their hesitation. I nod and tell them goodnight before shutting the door. I know they aren't going to sleep, but at least they won't hear Katniss; she hates when people can hear or see her cry.

I don't know what happened in the short time I was away. It can't be good though. She's visibly in distress over this, and it hurts me to see her in such a state.

I walk back into the kitchen where she hasn't moved. I sigh as I sit back down, trying to figure out what's going on. Her chair squeaks as she shudders during her cries and her eyes dart towards the front door. I notice the look of fear lessens as she realizes nobody is coming in.

"Please tell me what happened, darling. I need to know that you're okay." I practically beg, but she just looks at me before a tear falls down her face.
"I didn't want to, Peeta. I didn't want to." She cries and repeats the same sentence over and over. My eyes search her face, longing for an explanation. What could've possibly happened that could cause her this much distress?

"Explain it to me, darling. I can't keep guessing." I say patiently. I don't care how long it takes, I just need her let me know that she's okay.
"He grabbed me and I tried to stop it—but I—but I couldn't, Peeta. I couldn't get him off of my body." I clench my jaw, letting her words settle in. Someone was on her? She looks at me and sees I'm reading her every move. She buries her head in her knees and I sigh.

I don't want her to think I'm mad at her.

"It's alright, darling." I say looking at her.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting him and I was caught off-guard." She stutters and is barely breathing. I hush her while wiping away her tear and I lift her chin with my hand.
"It's not your fault, please don't blame yourself." I say in a soft voice. "Who was it?"
"Him. It's always him." I search her face for answers, but my face drops. "Gale, he—" She stops mid sentence, and I assume she doesn't want to say the word. I close my eyes to prevent myself from imagining him on her, and she cries before falling into my chest.

The Epilogue - Katniss and PeetaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant