Nothing Working Out.

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*Katniss's POV*

I've been sitting at this table long enough for the sun to move it's way down the sky, as it sits halfway between the middle of the blue sky and the mountains. I look to my right to see a plate of food, and move my head to the left to see him reading a book with his glasses on. He looks so peaceful when his mind is lost in another place; when he doesn't have to think about me.

Without much thought, I quickly try to sneak away. I stand up and begin to walk away but a hand finds it's place around my wrist. He looks up at me and I reluctantly sit back down. I avoid eye contact, and I hear the soft sound of a book closing and the tap of his glasses hitting the table.

"Katniss, all I'm asking is for you to take a bite." He says with his arms folded across his chest, leaned back against the chair. I shake my head as I look down at the table.

"I'm not hungry." I remark quietly and a loud sigh escapes from him.

"You haven't ate anything in two days." He mentions while looking directly at me.

"I'm not hungry." I roll my eyes and I begin to stand up. I walk away from the table, this time avoiding his outstretched hand, and climb the stairs.

Once I reach my bedroom, I shut the door and click the lock into place. I manage to throw myself into the bed, huddling under the covers, and fall into a shallow sleep filled with terrors of my past.


I'm awakened from a nightmare about Rue from a noise. At first, it almost seems as if I imagined it. Like it was somehow part of the story of Rue visiting me in my sleep, then a replay of her getting murdered.

But after I realize the sound was a knock on my door—as it appears again, only louder on the door—I assume the normality of the occurrence. I call for Peeta to go away, but a sweet voice answers back.

"Mom, it's me." I'm surprised when I hear the sentence but I eventually stand up and unlock the door.

She walks in and sits on the end of my bed, and I close the door before doing the same.

"Is everything okay, darling?" I ask while looking at her. She turns to me and shakes her head while her lips turn.

"Flynn wants me to walk into school with him tomorrow."
"Don't you already do that everyday?"

"No, Mom, he can't be seen with me." She starts, and I can't help but lift an eyebrow in confusion. "It'll ruin his reputation if he's seen with me.

I place my hand on her knee and she gives me a look, and I can see that her eyes are lined with tears.

"Willow, he cares about you more than anything." She nods her head and while doing so, a tear slips. "You and I both know he's willing to sacrifice anything for you. So let him. Let him care about you. Let him take care of you."

She reminds me of myself so much it hurts. I remember when I used to decline help from anyone. I hated when I couldn't fend for myself and someone needed to step in. But now I've learned, even if I don't act like it, and I know the people that step in only have intentions to help me out.

I push a strand of her golden locks behind her ear and she gently leans into me.

"I can't be the one to ruin things for him."Her voice breaks on the end of her sentence and I watch as a tear streams down her face.

"I promise you, that you're not. I felt exactly like you do now when I was younger. I even feel it nowadays as well," I start as she leans up to look at me. "But you have to realize that the people who choose to do this for you, care about you so much. And sometimes that means they sacrifice something that they like for something they love."

The Epilogue - Katniss and PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now