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*Willow's POV*

I stare at the bouquet sitting on my dresser, noticing the petals beginning to wilt. Even sitting in the water, they still are slowly dying—and every time I notice how quickly they're dying, it reminds me of how many days it's been since I've seen him.

I should've called him that day, but now it's been almost a week and I feel like my chance is gone. I'm still hurt by him calling me foolish, and I know he probably didn't mean it. But I just can't help but feel hurt.

I don't even know if he'd want to talk to me. I've seen him outside, me usually watching from the windows. He doesn't ever look upset, so maybe he's getting used to me not being around—maybe he's realizing he's better off without me.

But what if he's waiting for me to call? What if he's in the same position as me—wanting to call but being too scared?

I start school again in 3 days, and I don't know how I'll be able to do it without him. He is—was—my support system. I just need to tell him that I'm sorry for asking for them back—I'll do anything just for him to talk to me again.

Speaking of which, I need to apologize to Rye again. I don't think he accepted my first apology for the painting. It was a complete accident, I was just trying to get my anger out and I didn't realize I was painting on Rye's final draft. It was a gorgeous picture of my mother, and I feel horrible knowing I ruined something he worked so hard on.

I'm shaken from my thoughts by the sight of the first petal falling off the bouquet. A piece of my heart breaks after seeing the petal fall, almost as if it's symbolic, and I quickly look away before standing up.

I walk through my door and I begin to descend the stairs, careful to make little noise due to my knowledge of my mothers current breakdown. I can hear her cries from the downstairs, even with her being locked in her bedroom with my father.

I grab the phone off the wall before dialing the numbers that feel like home, and I wait for him to pick up. It gets to the 4th ring with no answer, and my heart sinks. Finally, on the 5th ring, I hear someone pick up, and I smile at the thought of him wanting to talk to me.

"Hey." I start quietly, but I'm soon met with disappointment as the person who answers isn't Flynn.
"Hello, Willow." I hear Annie's voice ring, and I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, Flynn isn't home right now."

"He's not home yet?" I ask, looking outside and seeing that it's dark.

Where is he?

"He's at Eloise's house, but I can let him know you called once he gets home." She says, but even the lightness of her voice doesn't soften the blow. YHer name hurts me in a way I didn't know was possible.

Of course he's at her house.

"Okay," I start breathlessly, even more hurt than I was when he called me foolish. "Thank you, Annie." I don't even wait for her to answer before hanging up the phone and walking away.

How am I so incredibly naive? I can't just expect him to not move on after I completely ghosted him for a week. I can't believe I'm this stupid—I'm such an idiot.

I'm so stupid.


*Flynn's POV*

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