Begging and crying.

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*Katniss's POV*
I run over to the phone and dial his number. He doesn't pick up the first 3 times, but on the 4th try he picks up.
"Katniss, stop. Please." He sounds frustrated.
"Peeta, I swear you didn't hurt me—please just—just come home," I beg into the phone.
"Katniss, you know I can't. I have to go—" I cut him off.
"No, please Peeta. I'll never be able to sleep, please come over." I say on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry, Katniss." I hear him hang up and I drop the phone. All I do for the next hours is cry. There's no way I'll be able to sleep, I have no protection over the nightmares. I stare at the ceiling for what seems to be just a few minutes. I am laying on the floor when I hear the phone ring. I jump up hoping that Peeta changed his mind. I answer quickly.
"Hello?" I start, secretly praying to hear his calm voice.
"Hello, Katniss! Just letting you know that my train will be arriving within the next hour."
"Oh, yes, Effie," I gain my composure to the let down of it not being him. "You can stay in one of the victor houses if you want." I say trying to sound like I haven't been crying.
"Are you okay, Dear?" She asks after I sniff quietly.
"I'm fine."
"All right, see you soon." She hangs up and I start to reluctantly hang up the phone.

It must be late if she is arriving soon. I guess I've been laying here a really long time. I contemplate whether or not I should try to call Peeta again. I really want to but I don't know if he'll answer me. I bite my nails as I make my decision, weighing the pros and cons. Ultimately, I decide to call his number and he answers on the 3rd ring.
"Peeta?" I ask into the phone.
"Look, Katniss if your calling again to try to get me to stay I—"
"No, I'm not, I'm sleeping downstairs anyways. I was just wondering if you're going to see Effie?" I ask quietly.
"Yeah, I am. I made dinner for them if you want to join." He admits hesitantly. I can hear the sense of guilt in between his sentences.
"I'll be there." I begin to hang up when I hear him start again and I pause quickly, not wanting to miss anything that may relate to him coming home.
"I'm sorry for everything, I just can't stay. It's not safe."
"But Peeta, it's always safe. One mishap doesn't ruin all of the other times."
"I just can't hurt you again."
"But you didn't hurt me. You only hurt yourself." I say not mentioning the bruises.
"Oh, my hand." He remarks.
"It looked pretty bad. Are you sure I can't help?" I ask hoping he'll let me come over.
"No, it's alright. I have it bandaged up."
"Oh." I feel disappointed. I just want to be able to be within his arms.
"I'll see you in a bit," and with that he hangs up. I go outside to feel the weather. It feels a little bit chilly outside, so maybe I can wear a sweater to cover my neck because this high-collared shirt is severely uncomfortable.

I change my shirt and throw on a beige sweater and walk to Haymitch's house. It's been a short while since she called so Effie should arrive soon. I give Haymitch the look not to mention anything to Effie. I assume Peeta is already here, which he is, and I try to respect his wishes but it's really hard to stay away from him.

"Hey," I say walking into the kitchen.
"Hey." He says as he takes a step back.
"Peeta, you can be within 5 feet of me. It's not like you hurt me." I remark sadly. He doesn't respond and I look down at the floor. "Would you consider staying with me tonight? Please?" I say quietly, not knowing when Effie will arrive.
"I can't, Katniss. You know—" We hear the door open and I guess we both acknowledge it as the conversation over.
"Effie," I say while I walking to greet her. "It so great to see you."
"My dear, Katniss! You look beautiful." She smiles. Peeta comes in after me.
"Oh, Peeta. You look handsome as well!"
"Thank you, Effie. And you look wonderful as well, new hairstyle and clothes?" He asks.
"Yes! I decided to go with my natural hair and tone down the Capitol a bit." She winks. Her hair is gorgeous, she has wavy long blonde hair that falls to her hip. It's grown surprisingly fast from when she was, well, rather naked on the top of her head.

"Come on in," I mention as I walk her towards the kitchen. Haymitch is sitting at the table and Peeta returns to cooking.
"Effie," Haymitch says and gets up to greet her. I've told Haymitch to lay off the drinking while Effie is here. I guess he listened because he doesn't look nearly as bad as usual. After a while we all sit down for dinner.
"So, how are you guys? Katniss? Peeta?"
"Great, Effie." Peeta remarks and I stay silent, nodding my head in agreement. I've never been the best actor.
"And Haymitch?" She asks.
"Fine." Haymitch grumbles. I kick him under the table to give him the message to act happier. He glares at me and says after that, "We are all better now that you're here." Effie smiles.
"Oh yes, yes. Everything is better when I'm here." She winks.


We all head into the living room, where it seems Haymitch has surprisingly cleaned. Everyone sits on the couch, but Peeta won't sit next to me. He sits on the end of Effie, who is next to Haymitch. Haymitch grabs the remote and turns the tv on. I see Caesar appear. Great. I bet he has all the footage. I'm really hoping Haymitch changes the channel, but he doesn't because I can't tell him to switch it.
"The star crossed lovers seem to be in a dispute." Caesar chuckles. Effie is watching very closely.
"Maybe we should change the channel—" I speak up but I'm cut off by someone not even sitting next to me, I'm cut off by damn Caesar.

"Roll the tapes, Claudius." Caesar says. As the tapes roll, I can see Effie's face in horror. When the clips are finally done, I don't say a word, nobody does.
"I thought you said you guys were great?" Effie asks impatiently.
"I—" I stutter.
"I didn't know they filmed that." Peeta says shocked.
"What happened?" She says in a high pitched voice and I freeze, I've never seen her this worried before.
"We were just bickering and the cameras caught us. The cameras follow us everywhere, Effie." Peeta says. "Nothing major." She looks at me.
"I don't believe that for a second." She huffs as she crosses her arms.
"It's true, Effie." Haymitch replies. "Sweetheart was just picking a fight with lover boy." Effie looks to be still skeptical but since Haymitch said so, she decides to believe it.
Something happened between them, had to of been something. Their dynamics are off. Maybe Haymitch finally gave in after them flirting all the time.

We all drop the conversation and continue watching. We see that Enobaria's gold shop has completely sold out, and Johanna has opened an axe throwing center. On brand for her, I guess.

We all decide to go home since it's late. I don't see a point in going home, since I probably won't be able to sleep anyways. But I still leave, just so I don't annoy Haymitch. As I'm walking out the door, I see Peeta.
"Can you at least stay at home tonight?" I say desperate.
"Katniss—" He starts.
"No, Peeta." I cut him off. "Please," I beg looking into his eyes.
"Fine, but I can't stay with you tonight. You should go sleep in the bed and I'll sleep in the guest bedroom." I still feel unhappy for the fact that he won't sleep with me, but it's a start.
"Okay." I say.
As we reach the house Peeta backs up so I can go in first. It really hurts that he won't come near me.

"Night, Peeta." I say as we reach the top of the stairs. I really don't want to stay by myself but I know there is no convincing him.
"Night." He says as he shuts the door behind him. As I lay in bed, I just let tears spill down my face. It feels like I'm stuck in a loop of crying that will never break.

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