157 Who Is The Father

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Daley gave me a pained look, and then I watched his body slowly kneel before me as his gun fell to the ground. He let out a groan of pain in the darkness.

"God, what happened to you?" I held his body to prevent him from collapsing on the ground, a faint smell of blood from his chest. I saw his grey shirt under his suit turn dull red.

"You're hurt," I almost screamed. "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

He hung his head in silence as two cars surrounded us. Frade jumped out of the car. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Daley.

"You b.astard!" Frade pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Daley's head. "I'm going to kill you."

"No. Frade." I stopped him. "Daley's hurt."

"Just let me put you out of your misery," Frade said. "Mark, take Eva back to the car."

Mark came over and tried to pull me away, and I shook his hand off. Just as Frade was about to shoot, I called out to him, "Please don't kill him."

"Have you forgotten how he hurt you?" Frade growled angrily. "He must die today."

"Come on, kill me," Daley said with a pale sneer. "It's time to put an end to this."

"Frade, don't." I broke free of Mark's hand and ran to Frade. I covered Daley with my body.

"Eva, are you crazy?" Frade roared. "Are you going to defend him?"

"No, Frade," I could only tell the truth. "Daley could be the father of my baby."

"What?" Frade looked at me in the eye. "What are you talking about?"

"You could be the father," I said painfully, "I think I might be pregnant, but I'm not sure which one of you is the father of this child. I don't want my baby to be born without a father. So please don't kill him."

"Are you serious?" Frade's green eyes gleamed with surprise and delight. "Are you really pregnant? This must be my baby."

"Are we talking about who the father is now?" Mark interjected. "I see the police in the distance, and I think we should get out of here. Frade, if you decide to kill Daley, you had better do it soon."

When Frade looked at Daley, he was already on the ground. Frade hesitated for two seconds and then made up his mind.

"Take him away."

Mark immediately dragged Daley into the car, his face sullen and silent. I can feel how dissatisfied Mark is with Frade's decision and his resentment against me.

As we sped away from shore before the police car arrived, Frade took Daley back to Vickie's estate. He had two bodyguards carry Daley into the guest room and watch the blood ooze from Daley's chest. I was worried about him at that moment. God, please don't let him die.

Soon, Frade called the doctor. After nearly two hours of treatment, the doctor told us that Daley was out of danger for the time being. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the news.

"So, are you really pregnant?" Frade asked me, standing outside the room. "Did you use a pregnancy test?"

"No," I said wearily. "But I haven't had my period for a long time. I think I'm pregnant."

"Maybe we need a test," Frade said, pulling an unopened pregnancy test from his pocket and handing it to me. "I just asked Mark to buy it."

I took the test and looked up at Frade. His eyes were full of expectations. So I took the test and went into the bathroom.

While waiting, I stayed in the bathroom and didn't go out. I knew Frade was waiting for me outside the door. In just 5 minutes, it felt like a century. I was afraid to look at the test results alone, so I took the pregnancy test and opened the bathroom door.

"What's the result?" Frade asked nervously.

"I want to share this moment with you," I said as I held the test up to my face and saw the two red stripes on it. I almost jumped up with excitement.

"So, are you pregnant?" Frade clearly doesn't understand the significance of the two red bars.

"Yes, yes," I almost cried. "I'm pregnant."

"It's mine. It must be my baby." Frade hugged me and kissed me twice. "Eva, I am going to be a father."

"Put me down, Frade." I didn't want to make him too happy. "It just means I'm pregnant, but it doesn't mean you're the father. I'm sorry, but it could be Daley."

"No, it's definitely not him." The excitement on Frade's face dissipated. "He can't be the father."

"We need a doctor to determine that," I whispered. "I'm telling the truth."

"How?" Frade said, taking my hand. "We're going to the hospital right now."

"No, this baby is just an embryo. There's no way to do a DNA test," I said, looking down at my baby. "Maybe we can know the answer after the baby's born."

"So I'm just going to let Daley live?" Frade said unhappily. "Or I could just kill him and not wait."

"You don't want to kill him at all." I directly exposed his inner thoughts. "If you wanted to kill him, you wouldn't have found a doctor for him. He's your brother. You wouldn't kill him, would you?"

"But he tried to kill me."

"But you hurt him too," I said. "For Mia."

"Well, let's not talk about Daley at this point," Frade interrupted me. "You need to rest."

I knew that if we continued on this topic we would soon have an argument, so I went back to the room in silence. At night, Frade slept with his hand on my belly, and I saw kindness in his eyes, as if he could see through my belly to see the baby inside.

An unsettling thought crossed my mind. What if the boy's father wasn't Frade? Will he keep the baby?

In any case, this child is a gift to me. I have to give birth to it. The baby I lost is back.

I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream. Frade was fast asleep, so I snuck up to Daley's room and took a look at him. He was still in a coma, with a bodyguard guarding him outside the room. Luckily, the bodyguard dozed off and didn't notice me coming.

Mickle sent someone to hurt him. No, Mickle tried to kill him. Is he going to kill me, too?

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