75 Goodbye, Frade

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Liv drove me to Santa Maria Hospital, and I told her to wait for me in the parking lot. I took the elevator from the parking lot to the hospital by myself. Gina has been here before, so I know that special rooms are usually set up on the top floor.

When the elevator door opened, I saw two bodyguards standing in the hallway at the end, so I quickly determined that it must be Frade's room. But how do I get into the room? A passing nurse gave me a strange glance. To avoid her attention, I quickly turned into the corridor.

Then a bucket in the hallway caught my eye, and I thought of a way to get into Frade's room. So I found a room with a cleaning sign on the walkway on the next floor. Fortunately, there were not many patients on this floor, and no one else appeared in the corridor except the cleaner who was doing the cleaning.

I went into the ladies' room and purposely dumped the trash on the floor when no one was around. I broke the flush toilet, and the toilet kept leaking. After all this, I went to the woman who was doing the cleaning and pretended to be nervous.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to tell you. There seems to be a problem with the toilet in the ladies' room. The sewage is leaking out," I added. "I'm afraid you have to deal with it immediately, or it will get worse."

The cleaner in the green coat followed me to the ladies' room. She couldn't help cursing when she found that the garbage on the ground had been mixed with the sewage. Then she quickly opened the room with the key. She called the plumber on the walkie-talkie and ran to the ladies' room with her tools. She was in such a hurry that she left the door open.

At that time, I took the opportunity to sneak into the room and quickly took a janitor's clothes on me. I disguised myself as a cleaning staff member, then I wore a mask and pushed a cleaning cart out of the room.

I took the elevator to the top floor again. Under the cover of the janitor's coat, no one would pay any attention to me. The doctors and nurses just walked by without even looking at me. Soon I was in front of Frade's room. The bodyguards who were standing outside just glanced at me. They didn't stop me from entering the room.

Opening the door, the first thing I heard was a faint noise from the monitoring equipment. The man in the luxurious hospital bed was wearing blue-and-white hospital pajamas. His eyes were closed, and his handsome face lost its color and became extremely pale. An instrument cord was attached to the finger of his left hand. He had lost weight and his cheeks were sunken with illness.

Oh, my Frade. He's right in front of me.

So I took off my cleaning gloves, threw them on the floor, went to his bedside and stroked his cheek with my hand. I whispered his name over and over in his ear, but he didn't respond, as if he were asleep.

I tried to massage the back of his hand to wake him up, and I kept praying that he would give me some kind of response, even if it was just a flutter of his eyelashes. But it was all for nothing. He remained motionless and did not even have a physical reaction.

I buried my head in his arms and wept. His heartbeat was faint but rhythmic. I know he's alive, but he can't feel anything around him.

It's me who made him suffer.

I fell into a deep remorse. If I hadn't cooperated with him in the first place, maybe he wouldn't be lying here injured. Right now, I just want him to wake up. I would give anything if he could wake up.

All the memories of being with him are fresh in my mind. Every smile he gave me and every word he said came to my mind. The memory blurred my eyes and stung my heart. I felt remorse and sadness.

The door was pushed open and I saw the cleaner pushing the cleaning cart in. When she saw me, she looked surprised and quickly realized what had happened.

"So you did it," the cleaner shouted at once. "Security, security."

The two bodyguards outside the door immediately ran into the room. They were not the bodyguards when I first came in. Apparently, they switched shifts. When they discovered that there were two cleaners in the room, they immediately pulled out their pistols and pointed them at me and the other cleaner, respectively.

"What the hell are you doing?" A bulky bodyguard asked, glaring at me. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm real, she's fake." The cleaner hurried to show her ID card to the bodyguard. "Look, this is my work ID."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Both guards pointed their guns at me. "Did the Moors send you?"

"No, I'm a friend of Frade's." I didn't know how to explain it. "I'm not a Moore. I don't mean any harm."

"Liar!" said the bulky bodyguard to his companion. "Tie this woman up and hand her over to the police."

The police! No, the police can't find me.

Another bodyguard in black pointed a gun at me as he tried to take the handcuffs out of his pocket. Just then, the instruments that connect Frade's body make a rapid and shrill sound.

That's a red flag.

"Oh, my God! Go get a doctor. The patient might be dying." The cleaner looked at the undulating red waves on the monitor with a frightened look on her face.

"Get a doctor," I shouted at the bulky bodyguard. "If he dies, you die."

"F.uck, keep an eye on this woman," the bulky bodyguard said and rushed out the door to look for a doctor.

There is only one bodyguard in the room now. He is evidently less experienced than his companions. I lifted my calf and kicked it between his legs. The bodyguard was in so much pain that he dropped his pistol. I quickly bent down to pick it up and hit him on the head. He immediately fainted in pain. The cleaner was so frightened that she held up her hands.

"Don't kill me," she said.

I knew that if I didn't run now, I wouldn't have a chance. I looked at Frade one more time before I left. He was still lying in bed, and I could see that his eyelids seemed to move.

Goodbye, Frade.

I ran quickly into the corridor, but I couldn't just leave Frade. So I stood behind the door and looked out through the glass into the corridor.

I saw several doctors and nurses rush into Frade's room, the bodyguard following them. Soon, the bodyguard backed out of the room and stood in the hallway looking around as if he were looking for me, just as he was about to look in my direction. I turned and ran down the stairs.

As I ran, I took off the janitor's coat and threw it in the corridor.

When I got back to the parking lot, Liv's car was waiting for me. So I quickly opened the door and got into the car.

"Come on," I said.

The car starts, and Liv quickly drives out of the parking lot. My heart is sad and heavy. The thought of Frade's haggard face brought tears to my eyes.

"Where are we going next?" Liv asked as she drove.

Where should I go? I asked myself.

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