Dean: Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better.

Vic: Hey, brought the balloons. Pink and blue and yellow and green cause gender's not a binary. And this is, um, Dr. Jackson Avery. 

Dean: Hey, brother.

Jackson: Hey. 

Dean: Are you a friend of Warren's?

Jackson: Yeah. And Bailey.

Vic: He's also a-a friend of mine. Also Aria we found DeLukes waiting downstairs. 

I look up and I see Andrew. I smile widely and I go over to him and give him a kiss.

Me: Hey. I didn't think you were coming.

Andrew: It was a surprise

Me: I love your surprise then. Come on, save me from my misery.

He laughs and I pull him to the counter where I was cutting up some vegetables. We all turn around when we hear Ben walking through the door. 

Everyone: No!

Ben: What's all this?

Jack: You were supposed to keep him in the gym!

Dean: It was supposed to be a surprise. 

Sullivan: Look, I tried. I got hungry, though. 

Andy: You had one job. 

Dean: Firehouse baby!

We all cheer in applause and I smiled back at Andrew who's standing right behind me.

flashback ends

I'm sitting in the back of the engine and I could feel my leg shaking. I just found out that the call came from Joe's bar. A car had crashed into it. All I could think about was Andrew and I could feel my hands starting to shake. I got out of the engine with my hands still shaking and I look over and I see the car that crashed into the bar. 

Sullivan: Alright, I want this vehicle to be secured and stabilized with cribbing and lifting straps right now. Station 19 requests two additional engines, two aid cars, and a USAR company. 

Jack: This wall is load-bearing. It's supporting the front of the bar.

Dean: Several structural supports have been sheared or compromised, sir. 

Vic: Captain, Ben Warren's on the inside. He said the back door's blocked from the outside and there are multiple critical injuries. 

Sullivan: Take Gibson and-

Andy: Gibson, Hughes, Bishop, let's assess. 

I ran behind them and I followed wherever they wanted me to go. 


We were in the beanery waiting for Dr. Bailey and Ben to arrive for our surprise. Once we heard them coming in we turned our bodies around and yelled 'Surprise'.

Dr. Bailey: What-What is this?

Dean: Firehouse baby! *walks up to Dr. B* Congratulations, Mama.

Dr. Bailey: T- uh- no, Miller.

Dean: Okay, "Mommy"? 

Dr. Bailey: Mnh-mnh 

Dean: Congratulations, Miranda?

Dr. Bailey: Uh, my friends call me Bailey.

Dean: Bailey! Congratulations, Bailey.

Maya: Sparkling cider, Bailey?

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