49. S.W.A.T.

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Luke's POV

"Why did Zack come here?" Legoshi asked.

We were both sat on the sofa. Legoshi was caressing my fur whilst I was thinking over what had happened.

"I don't know, he just told me about this formula and I chased him out." I replied.

"Right, that's a bit odd," He remarked. "At least he's gone now though."

"It's never that simple with Zack," I said. "Everything he does is for a reason."

"Of course it is," He said. "Isn't everything done for a reason?"

"I suppose," I muttered. "But what reason does Zack have to come and torment me like that?"

Legoshi thought for a moment.

"Maybe he wants you to go after him to find out what he's doing," He replied. "A lot of overconfident people do it to try and get rid of threats."

"But it's too late for them," I insisted. "The police are already on their way to put Riz back in prison and when that happens, everything will come out of lockdown."

"Maybe they know something that we don't." He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I dunno," He replied. "Maybe that he's got something up his sleeve to stop whatever we're doing so they can prosper."

"How are they going to stop the police from finding Riz?" I asked.

"Maybe they're moving Riz to a more secure location." He suggested.

I thought on it. I'd given a bear an apartment worth $100,000 and assumed he wanted to stay there. I'd completely ignored the fact that 100 grand is a heck of a lot of money to a criminal and now that he has it at his fingertips he's going to use it.

"Oh shit!" I yelped, quickly getting up and grabbing my hoodie. Legoshi quickly stood and followed me out to the front door.

"Where are you going?!" He asked, distressed.

"I think I've made a mistake. A hell of a big mistake!" I yelled back as I dashed down the road towards the city.


I reached the city after ages of running. Thanks to my new body I had a much heightened Agility, meaning I could run a heck of a lot faster than I used to, which might I add was pretty quick anyways.

I dashed into the beast apartments building to find a large S.W.A.T. team there. I immediately froze. I was just on time.

"I'm telling you, there's no bears that live here." The receptionist insisted.

"We've had reports that one does," One officer barked. "We have a search warrant, so you cannot deny us entry to this establishment."

The receptionist grumbled.

"Fine, but be quick." They said. The team all moved off with a rush into the first set of apartments.

I decided to follow them, except I didn't realise the receptionist had saw me.

"Hey, young man!" They yelled. "You can't just go in there!"

I ignored them and continued following the officers. 

They stormed room after room, trying equally as hard with each as they did the last to find Riz. I tried as hard as I could to look like I wasn't following them, but after a while it became apparent that it wasn't working. 

"Kid, what are you doing?" An officer asked. "This is a police operation here, keep your distance."

"I know," I replied. "But what you fail to realise is that I'm a police officer myself."

"Really?" He asked in disbelief. "What's your identification number."

"Zootopia. Area code 622, officer code 055." I replied.

"Hm," The officer grunted. "Aren't ya a little far out of area 622?"

"I'm on leave currently." I replied.

"Leave?" He asked. "For what?"

"That, sir, is none of your business," I replied. "I'm surprised you as an officer of the law doesn't consider ones privacy."

"Right, my mistake." He said, admitting defeat to me.

To be honest, I'd never felt this much power in my life ever before. It felt kinda... good. I could command this officer to do what I wanted right now and he'd obey. I was about to get him to do something stupid when the logical half of my brain kicked in.

No! I thought. Don't let it get to your head, just focus on what you're here for.

"I hear there's a criminal somewhere in this building," I said, standing up straight and puffing out my chest just enough so that it looked like I meant business. "I'd like to join your troop and be the detective responsible for his capture."

"I thought you were on leave." The officer said.

"That doesn't mean I can't do my job though, does it?" I hissed, walking past him and towards the apartment that I knew Riz was in.

"Where are you going?" The officer asked.

"Conducting my investigation." I replied, taking a spare key that I was given and put it in the lock. I turned it and opened the apartment.

To my horror, there was nothing in there at all and that wasn't the worst part; it looks like Riz had also gone haywire in the few minutes or hours he was in the apartment as the walls were completely shredded and almost piles of rubble on the ground. Countless numbers of floorboards were also torn up and there was a pipe missing underneath one of them.

"Hey, uh," I said. "I think I found the apartment."

In an instant, officers flooded the apartment. Tons of different people passed by me: Forensics, officers with guns, doctors, scientists, the lot.

"We need to get this evidence to the station as soon as possible." A forensics photographer said, taking photos around the apartment. 

"Yes, prepare the driver and call the district manager." Another said.

"Why?" I asked.

"This case looks severe, we're going to need backup from other districts to help deal with this." He replied.

As soon as he said this, I darted off. 

I rushed out of the apartment, through the park and towards the station on the other side of town. When I reached it, I went inside and went straight up to the receptionist.

"Oh, you again," She said. "What now?"

"The... the... the...." I panted. "The swat team found something and they need backup from other districts as soon as possible."

"Oh my lord!" She panicked, picking up a phone and nearly dropping it before dialling a number. "Yes, operator! District manager for the police department. Yes, now!"

"What districts are coming?" I asked.

"Any available units within areas 616 to 625 will be alerted to the case," She replied. "If it really is severe, this station will be full with police officers by tomorrow."

"Areas 616 to 625?" I asked. "What about area 622?"

"The Zootopian District?" She asked. I nodded. "I highly doubt they'd send officers from there, unless of course there's officers within that branch that knows something about this case or something closely related to it."

"Right." I said. 

I turned and left the station and decided to go back home.. again.

Zootopia: Worlds ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora