40. Escapee

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Luke's POV

I'm so glad they turned that machine off when they did. Had it been on for a couple more minutes, Louis would be dead and I would be the one responsible. I'm glad that Legoshi stopped me in that moment, otherwise my anger would be out of control.

We'd since left the Shishigumi quarters. The lions willingly let us out because they were scared that if they didn't I'd beat them like I'd beat Louis just a few moments prior.

We got on the closest subway and went home.


We both walked up the road towards our house, feeling the cold evening breeze on our faces. It was a nice evening: It wasn't raining (although it hasn't rained at all here yet), it wasn't too cold and the sun was just about in the right position.

Legoshi took a key out from his pocket and put it in the door. He turned it. The lock didn't budge.

"Damnit," He cursed. "The lock gets stuck like this all the time."

I wandered around the front of the house for a while whilst Legoshi messed with the lock, trying to get it open. I looked down on the town in the distance, watching lights flash and sparkle as they moved sluggishly through other flashing and sparkling lights. Then, the scene was blocked by a figure. I looked up and yelped.

"Who the-" I began. The figure put a finger over his lips.

"Don't draw attention to me." He whispered, taking me by the shoulder and guiding me around the corner. At this point, I could see his face. He was a bear. Then I realised.

"Y-y-y-you're that guy..!" I stuttered, pointing at him. "You're all over the news..!"

"I know." He hissed.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just want to ask you something," He replied. "Do you know a Legoshi?"

Shit I thought. This is it. This guy's going to kill my boyfriend.

"N-no." I lied.

"Are you sure about that, kid?" He asked. I nodded. "I think you do."

"I don't!" I persisted.

"Look, I'm not gonna hurt him. I just wanna talk to him." He said, shaking me gently.

"You're a deranged murderer, how could I possibly trust my boyfriend's life with that?" I asked. I paused. "Oops."

"So you do know him," He said, letting me go. "Heh, I always thought that wolf was a homo."

I looked at him.

"That's my lover you're talking about." I growled.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"Again, you killed someone. Why would I tell you that?" I asked.

"Look, that was a long time ago, kid," He replied. "I've changed, really. Now just tell me where he is, okay?"

"You aren't going to leave me alone until I do, are you?" I asked. He shook his head. "Fine,"

I guided him around to the front of the house where Legoshi was still messing with the lock.

"There, happy?" I asked, pointing to him.

"My, my," He said. "I bet you never thought we'd cross paths again, old friend."

Legoshi turned towards the bear and jumped when he saw him.

"Riz." He gasped.

"In the flesh," Riz said, pointing to himself. "How are you?"

He extended his paw. Legoshi looked him up and down for a moment.

"You can't be serious," He scoffed. "You casually kill someone, fight me, get stuck in jail and now that you've escaped you think you can just act like nothing ever happened? Have you been brainwashed?"

"No," Riz replied. "I'm just trying to be nice to my old clubmate. Besides, I've changed. You know that."

"You said eating people is a celebration of life, how can you change from that?" He asked.

"Prison does stuff to you man," Riz said. "Now come on, don't leave me hanging here."

"Stay away from me," He spat. "I don't want anything to do with you."

Legoshi turned and went inside after finally getting the lock to work. I was about to follow him, before turning to look at Riz, whose facial expression had changed to one that looked sad. He sighed.

"I guess some don't change." He said, before turning and trudging off.

"Riz wait!" I yelled thoughtlessly. He turned around. "Legoshi's just moody at the moment. He's had a rough day alright?"

"Alright," He said. "Anything else?"

"You can stay here for the night if you've got nowhere to go." I offered.

"What about Legoshi?" He asked.

"I'll talk him into it," I replied. "Don't worry about a thing."

Riz smiled a little, before coming up to me and patting me on the shoulder.

"At least someone accepts change." He said before entering the house.

We both went to the living room and sat down. After a moment, Legoshi appeared with 2 plates of some sort of microwaveable meal. When he saw Riz, he looked at me funny.

"What's he doing here?" He asked, putting my plate down then sitting as far from Riz as possible.

"Can't you see he's changed?" I asked. "Please, give him a chance. For me."

Legoshi sighed deeply.

"Luke," He said, moving closer to me. "You don't understand. We fought eachother, he killed someone, then hid it."

"You ate one of Louis' legs and you've hidden it." Riz blurted out. Legoshi looked at him, furious.

"Why would you say that?" He asked.

"It's a good example," I said. "Yeah, I know you did that all along. I read your file when we were at Gohin's."

Legoshi had been beaten. he simply stuttered and stammered, until finally giving in.

"Alright, fine!" He yelled, waving his hands in the air. "Riz can stay here, but he's sleeping on the sofa."

"What about the room with the hole in it?" I asked.

"No!" Legoshi yelled. "No-one goes in there, that room is none of your business!"

"Why? It's only a couple of photos and a bed." I commented.

"How do you-" He began. "You went in there, didn't you? You sneaky bastard!"

"I only looked, I didn't take anything out," I reassured him. "Apart from a shard of glass."

Legoshi stopped being angry for a second.

"A shard of glass?" He asked.

"Yeah, I hid it behind a vase in our bedroom." I replied.

"Are you sure it was a shard of glass?" He asked.

"It looked like glass, or a scale or something." I replied. Legoshi started tearing up.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" He asked. "I've been looking for something to remember my mum by for the past seven years, you find a part of her and you didn't tell me?"

"Wait, what?" I asked. "Your mum had scales?"

"Yes, she was a cross-breed between a wolf and a Komodo Dragon." He wept. I moved closer to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry," I said. "It was careless of me to do that, I wish I'd told you sooner."

"It's okay," He replied, embracing the hug. "At least you told me."

"Should I-?" Riz began.

"Yes!" I yelled. Riz was startled and moved into a different room as me and Legoshi had a moment.

Zootopia: Worlds ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora