48. Records

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Luke's POV

Now that I'd sorted Riz out, I figured I'd solve another problem I had. The fact that my record said I was dead when I wasn't.

I made my way out of the police station and went across the street to the records office. It wasn't quite as big of a building as I expected, in fact it was quite small.

I stepped up towards the door and opened it, revealing quite a weird smelling and by extension looking room. There was barely anyone in there apart from a few older folk. It must've been weird, an elderly person looking at a guy in his 20s prancing around a records office.

I walked past the very small populous of people and got to the front. There was only one receptionist on duty, so I went up to them.

"What can I help you with?" He asked.

"I'd like to see my record." I replied.

"Criminal or Identification?" He asked.

"Identification." I replied.

"Name?" He asked.

"Luke Dawson." I replied. He typed away at his keyboard.

"Okay, I'm just going to ask you a few security questions before I give it to you," He said, looking at the screen. "Date of birth?"

"July 18th 801999." I replied.

When I moved to Zootopia, I had to change my birthday so that no-one would get suspicious about my age. I did that with the help of Nick of all people, since he was the only person who knew how to do such a thing and didn't ask for money to do it.

"Right.." He said. "Residence?"

"15th Street, Zootopia." I replied.

"Alright," He said. "Your record states that you are deceased."

"I know that," I replied. "I just wanted to get more info on it."

"Well," He said. "I'd have to contact the Zootopian Records office to get a detailed report, but from the global database it says you were killed in an RTC."

An RTC? I thought. I wonder how that could've happened.

"Is there any more info?" I asked.

"There's a note that states there's CCTV footage, but I need to get it from the Zootopian Records Office." He replied.

"Alright, how long does that take?" I asked.

"About a day." He replied.

"Alright, just send it to this address when you get it." I said, scribbling down Legoshi's address onto a piece of paper and handing it to him before turning and leaving.


I got back to our house pretty quickly. The bus service was running a lot better today than it had other days, which I suppose was the lead cause for me getting home so quick.

I trundled up the pathway that lead towards the house before pulling out a set of keys and jamming them in the lock. I'm pretty sure Legoshi was at work, so I knew I had the place to myself. The lock got jammed again unfortunately, so I spent the next 10 minutes wrestling with it.

Eventually, the door came unlocked and I was about to open it when I heard:


I turned, a little frightened at first. That fear was soon amplified when I realised who it was. Zack.

"Wh-wh-What are you.. how did you..?" I stammered, trying to keep myself calm but failing.

"I followed you all the way from the records office," He replied. "What were you doing in there?"

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