46. What an eventful day

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Luke's POV

The car pulled up outside our house. The driver was generous enough to help me get Legoshi inside, which to that I gave him an extra tip.

I took Legoshi upstairs and went into the bedroom. Since we'd come home, Legoshi had lost pretty much all of his steam, so he was fast asleep in my arms. I carried him with all my might over to the bed and placed him down.

I unzipped my hoodie, well technically it was Legoshi's but he let me wear it, and tossed it onto the floor. I took my white shirt off and threw myself onto the bed next to Legoshi. From that moment, I promptly fell asleep.


Oddly, I wasn't in Simon's world in this dream. Instead, I was back at the weird school I dreamt about when I was at Epcot. This time however, there were no weird kids screaming at me. Instead, it was dead silent. I walked around the school a bit, looking at all the classrooms and the outside world that I unfortunately couldn't get to.

I looked around the school more until I reached a set of double doors. Above them, there was a sign that said 'Lecture Hall 2'

I felt an odd feeling as I approached the door. I felt cold, sad and fearful all at the same time. I grasped the door handle and pushed down on it, causing the door to creak open. The hall was brightly lit, with a projection screen running down the middle at the front with a projection on it.

I slowly made my way down the steps of the amphitheatre-like lecture hall. As I got to the bottom, I realised I wasn't alone in here. There was someone at the bottom near the projection screen reading a book. He was still and unmoving, which gave me the impression he was to be feared, but I didn't feel fear, I only felt... well, sad.

"Hello." I said, making my way up to him. He looked up from the book he was reading. He wasn't human by any stretch of the word, he was in fact a sheep. A sheep like Pina or Els to be exact.

"Hi," He said quietly. "What are you doing in here?"

"I could ask you the same question," I replied. "Why are you here?"

"I can't remember," He replied. "All I know is that I can't leave."

"Why not?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I don't know," He replied. "Everyone I try to ask seems to ignore me. It's like I'm a ghost or something."

"A ghost?" I asked. "That's not possible, I can see you clear as day."

"It might be because you're different from everyone else," He replied. "I haven't exactly seen your species before."

"My species?" I asked, looking at myself. Then, I realised I wasn't a fox, I was a human.

"Yeah," He replied. "What are you?"

"Human," I said. "Homo-sapient."

"Wow," He gasped, inspecting me closely. "I've only read about your kind in old books."

"Who are you?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"I'm Tem," He replied. "Not a lot of people seem to know that anymore."

"Why?" I asked.

"I-I-I think... I think it's because.. because.. because I'm dead." He replied.

"Dead?" I asked, shocked.

"Mhm," He replied. "At least, I think that's what I am. It would make sense if I was."

"Wait a second..." I thought aloud. "You said your name was Tem right?"

He nodded.

"That's it!" I cheered. "Legoshi told me about you. You were killed by a bear. A bear that, might I add, has just escaped prison."

"You know Legoshi?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"He was a good friend of mine," He said. "I'm glad he remembers me."

"I'm sure a lot of other people do," I reassured him, coming closer. "I think they're just.. afraid to admit it."

"Why?" He asked.

"Sometimes people are scared to remember those who've passed on because they don't want to upset the people around them," I replied. "I certainly did it when my friend's dad died."

"You'll remember me, right?" He asked.

"Sure I will." I replied.

"Thanks." He said, shaking my hand.

I heard a distant noise. It sounded like glass breaking.

"What's that noise?" I asked.

"I don't know." Tem replied, as it got closer and closer.

Then, the world around us cracked and shattered into millions of tiny pieces, leaving just white.

"I guess our time together is being cut short," Tem said, looking around. "Just remember that in your hour of need, the spirits are here to guide you."

"What?" I asked, just as the world began to fade to black. I heard my voice echoing around in the darkness before I woke up.


I sat up. I was back in our bedroom. I looked at my hands. They were still paws. I was still a fox.

I looked over a Legoshi to find that he wasn't there. I worried for a moment before I heard a noise downstairs.

I got up and put a shirt on, before going out of our room and downstairs to find Legoshi cooking something.

"Morning." I said, coming up behind him in the kitchen and giving him a hug.

"Not too tight," He said. "My body hurts."

"I wonder why that is.." I muttered, unwrapping my arms from his waist and going into the living room.

"I think it was because I did all that drinking last night." He thought aloud as I sat down in front of the TV.

"Wouldn't you be hung over?" I asked.

"No," He replied. "Wolves have great metabolism, meaning we can have tons of the stuff without getting ill or whatever."

"You don't get ill from drinking alcohol," I said. "You get ill from poor sanitation or from pollution, not cocktails and tequila."

"Right," He realised. "I guess my head's still a little fuzzy."

"Do you even remember what you did last night?" I asked.

"Not got the foggiest of ideas," He said, coming into the living room with a selection of burnt toast with minimal amounts of jam on it. "Sorry, I'm still getting used to using the toaster."

"Well, you were doing a lot of weird stuff let's say." I said, taking a bite out of the toast.

"Oh god," he said, doing the same. "I dread to think what."

"Nothing too drastic," I replied. "Just sniffing the ground, falling everywhere, ranting about how much you found someone annoying, the norm."

"No-one witnessed that apart from you, right?" He asked.

"Apart from a cab driver, no." I replied. Legoshi looked flustered.

"I guess that's better than Bill seeing it." He said.

"Bill was drunker than you were," I replied. "You were both competing to see who could drink the most."

"Did I win?" He asked.

"By miles," I replied. "Bill was so drunk that he couldn't even walk. They had to take him home straight away."

Legoshi laughed.

"That'll be something to rub in his face next I see him."

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