47. Difficult Decision

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Luke's POV

Me and Legoshi watched TV for a while. The news was just more stories and tomfoolery about Riz amongst other things, one of which being the fact that a lot of places had started going into lockdown. A university had been added to the list, alongside the Academy, a number of businesses and a daycare.

"Don't you think all this locking down is getting out of hand?" Legoshi asked, sipping some water that he had.

"It's probably just for safety, but it is starting to concern me." I replied.

"Why?" He asked.

"It's just this one thing that I can't rid from my mind," I replied. "I forgot to tell you, but last night we went to the Shishigumi tower to spy on Louis and Zack. I overheard them talking about some sort of formula and that they're using the lockdowns to their advantage."

"Then... isn't it obvious?" He asked. "Zack and Louis must've had something to do with Riz's escape."

"Yeah, they did talk about that." I confessed.

"Then there you go," He said. "All we need to do is get Riz back in prison."

"How?" I asked. "We can't just tell the police, Riz'll be angry with us because as far as everyone's aware, we're the only ones other than Zack and Louis that knows where he is."

"So?" He replied. "He'll be in prison, he won't be able to get us."

"Haven't you lived in fear that if he got out before, you'd be in trouble?" I asked.

"Well, sort of.." He stammered.

"Then why aren't you scared that he'll do something to us if he gets out again?" I asked.

"Not sure," He replied. "I suppose it's because I'm certain that he won't get out this time."

"But what if he does?" I asked.

"He won't." Legoshi reassured me.

"If you're sure.." I muttered.


I was circling around the park endlessly, trying to make up my mind. Either I went to the police station and got Riz sent back to prison and stopped Zack and Louis's plans, or I could keep walking around the park doing nothing and let it happen. I just couldn't do it: I couldn't decide.

I did another lap of the park. One turned into two. Two into three. Three into four. I kept going around and around in circles, thinking of the very possible outcomes of this, but also the very impossible outcomes of this.

I finally made my mind up after a while. I was going to do the right thing. I was going to go to the police and get Riz back where he belonged.


I was now outside the police station. I looked at it for a while thinking more and more over whether this was the right thing to do. I took one step closer to the station; a feeling of betrayal slowly started pouring into my body, but I chose to ignore it. I kept going, the feeling amplifying further and further until I finally reached the front door. I reached out a shaking, sweating paw and clenched the handle. I pushed down on it and the door swung open, revealing the interior of the building. I quickly stepped inside and stood there for a moment, looking around at everyone minding their own business. A couple of people turned and stared at me, but I kept ignoring them. I kept my head low as I made my way towards the front desk. The receptionist ignored me for a moment, before looking at me and trying to get a glimpse of my face.

Zootopia: Worlds ApartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon