42. More problems

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Luke's POV

I decided to go out to the bank to try my card. I looked at the card for a moment, seeing if there was a bank that accepted it.

'Zootopian Banking Agency' the card read. I sighed, thinking it wouldn't be accepted, but I tried anyway.

I went up to a random bank that I saw and went inside, before being called over to a receptionist.

"How can I help?" A sheep asked.

"I'd like to withdraw." I replied, handing him my card.

"How much?" He asked.

"However much a standard apartment at the Beast Apartment costs." I replied. The sheep tapped away on his keyboard for a moment.

"So that will be a sum of approximately one hundred and ten thousand dollars, is that alright?" He asked.

Jeez louise, I thought. That's a lot.

"Yep," I said through gritted teeth. "That's totally fine."

"Alright," He said, putting my card in a reader and accessing it. "I have your file here."

"Really?" I asked, shocked. He swivelled his screen around and there it was: Everything about me. My picture, occupation, balance, everything.

"Alright, the money is currently being printed and will be given to you securely in about five minutes." He said, taking out my card and giving it to a frozen and shocked me.

I turned and sat down and awaited the arrival of this 'secure transaction'.


After a while, a lion came out from the back holding a briefcase. He waltzed up to me.

"Luke Dawson?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied. The lion looked at a piece of paper before handing me the briefcase.

"One hundred and ten thousand dollars." He said before I took it.

I got up and went out of the bank and rushed to the beast apartments building close by.

I burst through the doors, frightening some of the residents currently in the lobby. I went over to whom I assumed was the Concierge for the building.

"I'd like to buy an apartment, a cheap one." I said. The concierge looked at me for a moment, before going through some pieces of paper on her desk.

"We have an apartment on the third floor," She said, adjusting her glasses. "It'll cost you one hundred thousand dollars."

"Got it," I said. "You accept cash?"

She looked over her glasses.

"Cash?" She asked. "You have a hundred grand in cash?"

"Yes." I replied, dumping the briefcase on her desk. I opened it to reveal the full $110,000.

"Well," She stuttered. "I'll take the money and put it in our safe."

She counted $100,000 and took it out to the back with her, before promptly returning with a key.

"Just before we do give you the apartment, I'm going to do a background check," She said, pulling her keyboard closer to her. "Name?"

"Dawson, Luke Dawson." I replied. She tapped it into her computer. After a moment it bleeped, revealing what I assumed was my file.

"Hm," She said after inspecting it a little. "It says here you've been marked as deceased."

WHAT?! I thought. Deceased?! I'm not dead am I?

"What?" I asked. She looked me up and down.

"This doesn't look like you." She replied, showing me the picture.

Of course, I thought. That's my Zootopian picture, not anything recent.

"When did I die?" I asked.

"Says you died a year ago." She replied.

"Well it's clearly wrong because I'm right here," I persisted. I paused. "Does it say how?"

The concierge sighed.

"Killed in Action." She replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Given your occupation is a police officer, it means you were killed on duty." She replied.

"It can't be!" I pleaded, slamming my fists down on the desk.

"Buddy, take it easy," She said. "Just take your key and be gone. You can always go to the records office and check."

She's right I thought, taking the key and exiting the building.


I made it back to the house. I opened the door and headed inside to find Legoshi and Riz sitting on the sofa.

"Oh, Luke," Legoshi said. "I was wondering where you'd been."

"Just running errands." I replied.

"What errands?" He asked.

"Well," I began. "I went to the bank, got some money, then bought an apartment."

"What?" He asked.

"For Riz." I replied, holding the key.

"How much was it?" Legoshi asked.

"About a hundred grand." I replied.

"What?!" He asked, shocked. "We could've spent that money on us!"

"Don't worry, I have loads of dosh in my account. It barely made a dent." I replied.

"How much do you have in your account?" He asked.

"I dunno, just short of a million?" I pondered.

I didn't know the exact figure, but it was probably about $600,000-$700,000. I hated spending money, thus the savings in my account grew and grew until I was drop-dead rich.

"Thanks," Riz said, getting up and making his way towards me. "I owe you one."

I gave him the key and as quick as that, he was gone. I could tell Legoshi's mind was going nuts, as his face was happy and angry at the same time.

"My god," He gasped. "I hate you and love you at the same time."

"Why? I don't plan on spending the money," I replied. "Apart from that, of course."

"You've got to!" He begged. "We need money for food and stuff."

"What about that job you were on about?" I asked. Legoshi paused, then began to panic.

"Shit, my job!" He yelled, getting up and running past me at speed.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

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