39. Playing God

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Legoshi's POV

My mind wasn't exactly the ideal place to be when I was unconscious. It was full to the brim of everything that I'd ever thought about, everything that'd ever happened to me, everything that made me happy, everything that scared me, the lot.

I knew for a fact that I wasn't awake, because I was in a completely white room.

"I wish this was the simplicity of my mind." I muttered, my voice echoing around the big empty void.

"It is." A soft voice from behind me said. I turned to see a female wolf, a little older than me, looking directly at me.

"Mum?" I asked, shocked. I raced towards her and hugged her, then she did the same.

"I'm so proud of you, Legoshi," She said. "Although I was never around to say it, I truly mean it."

"Thanks," I said, hugging her tighter. "Why are you here?"

"I don't really know," She replied. "You must be feeling troubled."

"About what?" I asked.

"About Luke, dear," She replied. "Your sixth sense must be kicking in and telling you something's wrong."

"Like what?" I asked.

"I don't know," She replied. "You better wake up and find out."

I saw her begin to fade, as well as the entire environment around me. Everything faded to black, before light burst into my eyes.

I screamed as I realised I was in the Shishigumi's quarters, tied down to a chair.

"Welcome back, puppy." One lion hissed, moving aside to reveal Louis.

"What do you want now?" I asked.

"Don't worry about what I want," He replied. "It's what your lover boy wants."

He held out his hand, which had a tape player in it, and pressed play.

"Do your worst to him," Luke's voice said. "I won't do a thing for you."

Louis pressed stop.

"Oh dear," Louis said. "Looks like he didn't want good things for you."

"It depends what you wanted him to do," I reasoned. "If it was something extremely negative, then sure."

Louis growled. He clearly didn't want me to be happy with the tape recording, and now that I was okay with it he was getting extremely frustrated.

"All we want him to do is run a few errands," He replied, calming himself down. "But the vicious vulpine refused, so it seems like were going to have to do this the hard way."

"It's not true!" A voice yelled from in the distance. I could tell it was Luke's. "He's trying to use my violence as a weapon!"

"Don't listen to that fox," Louis said, moving closer to me. "You know how much they lie, right?"

"Luke is no fox," I spat. "He's only like that because you made him that way!"

"Sheesh," Louis huffed. "That attitude won't get you anywhere 'round here."

"Can we start, boss?" A lion asked, whom was stood next to Louis.

"Hm," He thought. "Start at 25%"

Suddenly, I felt something odd in my body. I suddenly started feeling anger.

"Now then," Louis said, turning to Luke. "If you won't voluntarily do as we say, we'll have to do it for you."

I could see Luke starting to feel discomfort from across the room. He was wriggling and writhing as he watched me.

"Stop it!" He yelled. "You don't know how powerful this is! I'll severely hurt you!"

"Good," Louis said. "Turn it up."

The lion did as he asked and started fiddling with a machine that I couldn't see. The anger within me started growing.

"Louis, please!" I begged. "I've seen it for myself! He would've killed someone if it wasn't for me!"

"Why, that's exactly what we want," He replied. "Do it again."

The lion turned it up again. The anger was getting more and more difficult to contain now. One moment more and I might lose control. I turned over to Luke to see him trying with all his might to break free. I looked on as suddenly the ropes tying him to the chair tore like paper and Luke broke free. He immediately stormed towards Louis and grabbed him by the neck. I saw him put Louis against a wall and start smashing him against it with no regard.

"You asked for this!" Luke bellowed, reeling back his fist and swinging it at Louis, causing his nose to start bleeding.

"Turn it... off..!" Louis gasped. The lion quickly did as he was told, shutting the machine off, which alleviated the anger immediately.

Luke let Louis go and collapsed to the floor.

"I hope you're happy!" He bawled. "You've tortured me just to see how violent I am! Now you've seen it, I hope.. you're fucking.. happy!"

He cried as he hit Louis again and again. Fortunately for me, I managed to get myself free, so I quickly got up and rushed over to Luke, pulling him away from Louis' now unconscious body. Luke turned and hugged me tightly.

"You were right!" He cried. "I should've never come here, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you!"

"Hey, it's okay," I said, caressing him. "Let's just go home, okay?"

He sniffled.


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