arthur opened his eyes and slowly stood up, turning around to face the king, princess and knights of camelot. "what is the quest you have chosen?" uther asked calmly, fear in his dark eyes.

"i can see but one path, sire. i am to enter the realm with the fisher king and find the golden trident spoken of in the legends of the fallen kings." arthur spoke quietly, and isabella's face immediately dropped, as did her heart. this was one of the most dangerous of all.

"you do understand that if you are to prove yourself worthy of the throne, you must complete this task alone and unaided?" the king asked his son.

arthur looked up to face him. "i do."

arthur pendragon was a very confident boy, he believed he was independent, always right, never failed and could do no wrong. however, in this moment, all he needed was the princess.

she sat in her room, eating lunch with estella and gwen when he walked in. he noticed the two maids sitting down, and stopped, "my apologies. i can come back later."

"it is quite alright. i'm sure morgana needs me anyway." gwen smiled, standing up to leave.

estella glanced at isabella, who sent her a small smile. "have the afternoon off, stella. i'm okay here."

estella curtsied and left to find merlin as arthur took a seat in front of her. she smiled, reaching out to hold his hand. "your father suggested i leave you be until you complete the quest so i do not distract you." she spoke up as he rolled his light eyes.

"of course he did." arthur spoke, taking an apple from the fruit bowl.

she looked at him seriously, "talk to me."

he sighed slightly. "i have been trying to find the correct map to the realm of the fisher king...however no map is the same because hardly anyone has been there. and merlin keeps hiccuping." he ranted, making isabella chuckle at his last sentence.

"you could have lied and said an easier quest. i must admit my heart did drop a tiny bit when you told us which one." she joked, a hint of worry in her tone. she noticed him still looking unsure so she smiled. "do you remember when i first came here, you were going up against knight valiant?"

he nodded, frowning, signalling for her to continue. "when you were anxious, can you remember what i said to you?"

" said you had every faith in me. and faith beats hope." he remembered, a soft smile on his face as she nodded.

"i still have faith in you...i think i always will. i do wish i could come with you. not that i'd be much help...but just so i know you are okay." she admitted, putting the chin in the palm of her hands.

he smiled, his eyes softening. "i wish you could come too."

she nodded, before reaching over to put her hand over his chest, where his heart is. "i'll be with you, in here." she said, before a cheeky smile fell onto her face, "who knows, if you do not return soon i'm sure myself and merlin will come and find you. save the day like always."

"when have you and merlin ever saved the day?" he pulled a arrogant face.

"i'm just going to pretend you never said that."

𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, arthur pendragon. Where stories live. Discover now