Chapter 17 | Newfound Abilities

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Rei, Meldrid, and Elric stepped outside, their voices echoing in the courtyard as they called out for Caspian and Aurora. "They're not here," Meldrid said, her worry palpable. "Maybe they went inside already," Rei suggested, scanning the area.

Their search led them to a group of mercenary recruits training nearby. Rei approached their captain, his tone serious. "Captain."

"Sir!" the recruits responded in unison, saluting Rei.

"Have you seen two kids playing here?" he inquired.

"No, sir," the captain replied firmly.

As they turned to leave, a voice spoke up tentatively. It was a cadet trainee. "Sir, if I may."

Rei nodded, giving him permission to speak.

"I saw them earlier, sir," the cadet exclaimed. "Near the entrance of the forest."

Meldrid's heart sank as she exchanged a worried glance with Rei and Elric. "It can't be, right?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"We won't know until we find them," Elric said calmly, though his own concern was evident.

A plan was quickly hatched. "Rei, search inside the base. Radio us if you find them," Elric instructed. "Meldrid and I will look in the forest."

Rei nodded. "Be careful out there. There are traps," he warned before hurrying back inside to search the base.

Meldrid and Elric ventured into the Whisperwood, the dense foliage casting eerie shadows in the fading light. As they called out for the children, their voices seemed to get lost in the vastness of the forest.

Meanwhile, deep in the woods, Caspian and Aurora were lost and frightened. "C-Caspy, where are we?" Aurora asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"I don't know, Rory. I'm sorry I brought you here, and it's getting dark," Caspian said, his guilt weighing heavily on him.

"I'm scared, Cassy," Aurora whispered, clinging to her brother's hand.

"Don't worry, brother will protect you," Caspian reassured her, but their fear grew when they encountered a bear blocking their path. "C-Cassy, what's that?" Rory asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Caspian's fear threatened to paralyze him, but the sight of his sister's terror sparked a dormant power within him. In a silent plea for calmness, he squeezed her hand. Leaning in close, he whispered urgently, "Close your eyes tight, Rory. Don't make a sound. I'll carry you. We have to get away."

Aurora, trembling, obeyed, burying her face in Caspian's chest. Silence stretched, thick and heavy like the deepening shadows. Caspian held his breath, willing himself to disappear.

Then, a low growl shattered the tense quiet. The bear, its attention finally drawn, lumbered towards them. Its massive form, a dark silhouette against the fading light, blocked any lingering traces of the setting sun.

In that split second, time seemed to slow for Caspian. The world narrowed to the bear's approaching menace and the desperate need to protect his sister. An instinct, primal and powerful, surged through him. With a preternatural grace that defied his eight years, he scooped Aurora up into his arms. "Hold on tight, Rory!" he hissed, his voice barely a whisper above the bear's growing growl.

He launched himself forward, not with a yell or a burst of adrenaline-fueled energy, but with a controlled, fluid motion that spoke of a power far exceeding his age. His legs pumped, propelled by an uncanny strength that carried them both deeper into the woods.

The bear lunged, its powerful jaws snapping at the empty space where they had just been standing. But Caspian was already a blur, weaving through the trees with an almost supernatural agility. The darkness, which would have disoriented most, seemed to hold no secrets for him. His eyes, wide and alert, adjusted instantly, allowing him to navigate the dense undergrowth with an ease that defied logic.

Behind them, the bear roared in frustration. Its heavy paws pounded the forest floor in a relentless pursuit, but it simply couldn't match Caspian's uncanny speed and agility. The gap between them remained constant, a testament to the unexpected power that had awakened within the young boy.

They pressed on, Caspian's breath coming in ragged gasps as he pushed his newfound abilities to the limit. Suddenly, a gnarled root snagged his foot, sending him sprawling onto the damp earth. Aurora tumbled from his grasp with a startled cry.

Caspian's heart hammered against his ribs as he scrambled to his feet, a primal fear gripping him. The bear was upon them, its massive bulk blotting out the last sliver of moonlight filtering through the trees. A monstrous roar filled the air, the sound raw and hungry.

Just as the bear reared up to strike, a deafening SNAP echoed through the clearing. The bear froze mid-air, its massive head whipping downwards. A steel trap had clamped onto its powerful leg, its sharp teeth digging deep into the flesh.

A surge of relief washed over Caspian as he dove for Aurora, scooping her up into his arms once more. He held her tight, his own body trembling from the ordeal. The bear thrashed and roared in fury, trapped and frustrated.

Caspian, his voice barely a whisper, said, "We're safe now, Rory. Don't worry." Though his own body ached and his heart pounded, a newfound confidence flickered in his eyes. He had protected his sister, and in the process, discovered a strength he never knew he possessed.

Exhausted, the two kids found themselves on a hill bathed in moonlight. No trees grew there, only a vast expanse of grass. Caspian laid Aurora, unconscious from exhaustion, on his lap and gently patted her head. Suddenly, they heard Meldrid's voice calling out for them.

"MOM!" Caspian cried out, his desperation echoing through the forest.

As they spotted each other and relief flooded over them, Caspian's heart raced with fear when he noticed a pair of glowing eyes watching from the shadows, right behind their mother.

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