Chapter 12 | Spending The Night

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As Robert finished patching up the minor injuries, a sense of weary relief settled over the group. He joined his companions, Rei, Meldrid, Elric, and Jhonsson, drawn by their animated discussion. Rei, his voice filled with excitement, was recounting the fantastical tales the Chief and Risa had shared - tales of divine magic, ancient heroes, and a reality far stranger than they ever imagined.

The conversation was a captivating blend of wonder and apprehension. The revelation of magic had shaken their worldview, leaving them grappling with concepts they never knew existed. Yet, amidst the awe, a sliver of uncertainty lingered. What did this newfound knowledge mean for them?

Their discourse was interrupted by the Chief's arrival, Sho faithfully translating by his side. The Chief's gaze swept over them, a hint of concern softening his weathered features. The last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and purple.

"The light fades," the Chief announced through Sho, his voice deep and rumbling. "You are all welcome to stay for the night. My village offers its hospitality to weary travelers."

Relief washed over them. After the day's extraordinary events, the prospect of a warm meal and a safe haven held immense appeal. With gratitude, they accepted the Chief's offer.

The village bustled with activity as they settled into their accommodations. The air hummed with the soft murmur of conversation and the comforting scent of wood smoke. As darkness descended, an unfamiliar peace settled upon them. The fantastical revelations still echoed in their minds, but for now, exhaustion and the warmth of hospitality offered a welcome respite.

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