Chapter 7 | Legend Of The Legendary Serpent

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"What do you mean by defending the Last Moon?" Rei pressed, his curiosity piqued by Risa's cryptic statement. "That's-"
Just as Risa was about to explain, the chamber doors creaked open, revealing the Chief's weathered face. His gaze fell upon Risa, and a flicker of urgency crossed his features. He spoke in their native language, his voice low and solemn.

Despite the interruption, the weight of Risa's words hung heavy in the air. Sho, ever-observant, picked up on the Chief's message and quickly translated. "He said," Sho began, "with the help of your friends, they've buried the fallen and gathered the injured. They need you, Risa, to go out and heal them."

A crease of worry appeared on Risa's brow as she acknowledged her father's words. Turning to Rei and Sho, she explained, "They need me outside now." A moment of hesitation followed before she leaned closer to the Chief, whispering something only he could hear. He responded with a curt nod.

The Chief then turned to Rei, his gaze both stoic and kind. He spoke in their language, and Sho, acting as the bridge between them, translated. "He said," Sho began, "he can tell you about the legend of the Bakunawa and the Last Moon, if you want to hear about it that is."

"Yes," Rei immediately answered, the fantastical explanation for magic now intertwined with the pressing need for Risa's healing abilities. As Risa left the chamber to tend to the injured, the Chief and Rei settled down, ready to delve into the secrets of the Last Moon.

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