Chapter 14 | Caspian

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As the mercenaries bid farewell to the villagers and began their descent from the mountain peak, a faint cry echoed through the air. "Did you hear that?" Meldrid asked, her voice tinged with concern. The group exchanged puzzled glances, claiming they didn't hear anything. But as they continued their descent, the cry grew louder and more persistent, impossible to ignore.

Suddenly, they spotted the entrance of a cave, and there, amidst the rocky terrain, lay a young man. His torn clothes and bloodied form spoke of a recent struggle, his injuries severe and life-threatening. "Are you okay?!" Robert exclaimed as he rushed to check the man's condition. Just then, another cry pierced the air, closer this time. The mercenaries' eyes widened as they followed the sound to a basket beside the man.

Inside lay a baby, swaddled in a blanket stained with blood. Before they could react, the man's weakened arm reached for his neck, glowing with a green hue. The mercenaries watched in awe as the magic unfolded before them, neither divine nor dark, but something altogether different-a translation magic.

The dying man's voice was barely a whisper as he pleaded, "Please, my nephew... take care of Caspian, please." Rei stepped forward, his heart heavy with compassion. "Don't talk, we'll get you help," he urged.

But the man interrupted, his voice strained with effort. "I don't have much time. I'm using the last of my magic so we can understand each other. Please, take my nephew, Caspian."

With a final plea, the man's head dropped, his pulse fading away.

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the gentle cries of the infant. The mercenaries exchanged solemn looks, their hearts heavy with the weight of the man's final request and the unexpected responsibility now placed upon them.

As the mercenaries respectfully buried the fallen man, honoring his final wishes, they returned to the cave to retrieve the baby. As they prepared to leave, Jhonsson and Elric froze in their tracks, their eyes drawn to something peculiar at the end of the cave-a stone arching door adorned with symbols unknown to them.

Jhonsson's voice trembled with awe. "Do you know what that is?"

Elric shook his head slowly, his expression grave. "No."

Their hearts raced with a mix of curiosity and apprehension as they exchanged puzzled glances. They knew they had stumbled upon something significant, something beyond their understanding.

Leaving the cave, the weight of the mystery hung heavy on their minds, the unknown symbols haunting their thoughts like an ancient riddle waiting to be solved.

The mercenaries reached the bottom of the mountain, Meldrid cradling the baby in her arms. "What do we do with the kid?" Rei asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I'll take care of him," Meldrid replied, smiling warmly at the baby. "Elric may have already told you that I'm pregnant and retiring soon, right?" she added, glancing at Elric.

"Yep, I filled him in," Elric confirmed with a nod.

"Exactly. With retirement on the horizon, I'll have plenty of free time to look after the children. Plus, I'm the only one who can feed them for now, but I can't provide milk yet. So, we need to consult a pediatrician. But the real question now is... How do we feed the baby on a one-day trip on the boat?" Meldrid asked, her curiosity evident.

"We don't need a boat anymore," Rei said with a smug grin. "I called a chopper."

"You really work fast, huh?" Meldrid remarked with a grin. "I was just about to call a chopper on my way home. You know how lazy I am." The group chuckled, their laughter echoing in the mountain air.

As the chopper arrived beside them, they boarded, the sound of the rotor blades cutting through the air. With a smooth ascent, arriving at their base three times faster than using a boat.

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