Chapter 13 | A Mysterious Figure

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In the dead of night, amidst the solemn rows of freshly dug graves, a figure cloaked in shadow stood with a commanding presence. With a solemn reverence, he extended his hand over the mound of earth, tendrils of purple smoke rising from the soil to coil around his fingers like ethereal serpents.

"What are you doing?" a raspy voice interrupted, cutting through the silence like a blade. Emerging from the darkness, a massive werewolf, its scarred form a testament to countless battles, glared at the cloaked figure with fierce intensity.

"I'm harvesting," the man replied coolly, his voice carrying an air of calculated resolve. "I seek revenge for my brother."
The werewolf's growl reverberated in the night air, its fury palpable as it demanded swift action. "Not yet," the man countered, his tone unwavering. "They are protected by formidable adversaries. We must bide our time, gather more souls, and strengthen our ranks. Only then will we have our chance."

With a dismissive snort, the werewolf turned and stalked away into the shadows, its impatience simmering beneath the surface.

As the morning sun cast its warm glow over the village, the mercenaries gathered their belongings, preparing to depart for home. Sho approached them with a concerned expression. "You have everything?" he asked, eyeing their packs. Rei nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Yes, we're ready to head out."

Curiosity tugged at Rei as he glanced at Sho. "Are you not returning to Japan?" he inquired. Sho shook his head, a hint of sadness in his smile. "No, I've grown fond of this place. Besides, there's nothing waiting for me back home," he replied softly.

The two men embraced, exchanging heartfelt goodbyes before Rei rejoined his companions. As they made their way out, the villagers and chief bid them farewell, gratitude evident in their eyes. Risa, the chief's daughter, approached Rei with a warm smile, extending her hand. "You're always welcome to come back here," she said kindly.

Rei returned the handshake, his expression thoughtful. "We'll keep that in mind," he replied. "And about what we discussed earlier, should we keep it a secret?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Risa considered his question for a moment before responding. "It's up to you. Having knowledge of these things can be helpful, but it's also a responsibility. It's good to be prepared," she explained.

Just as Rei thought their conversation was over, Risa paused, remembering something important. "Oh, I almost forgot," she said, turning back to Rei. "Your friend Meldrid had an injury earlier, so I healed her. But as I was healing her, I sensed something extraordinary. The baby inside her has divine powers," she revealed with a smile.

Rei's eyes widened in shock at the news. "D-does she know?" he stammered. Risa nodded reassuringly. "Yes, I've already spoken to her about it," she replied.

Rei was left speechless, his mind racing with the implications of Risa's revelation. The group continued to converse with Risa until it was time for their departure, their hearts heavy with the weight of newfound knowledge and the bonds forged during their time in the village.

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