Chapter 4 | The Village 2

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As the battle's echoes faded into the somber silence of mourning, the village emerged from the shadows of fear and despair. Fragile figures emerged from hiding, their faces etched with grief as they sought solace among the fallen. The mercenaries, their hearts heavy with sorrow for the lives lost, were approached by the village chief and a stranger whose presence seemed out of place amidst the chaos.

"Are you the ones Kotarou sent?" The stranger's voice cut through the solemn air, drawing Rei's attention. Confusion clouded Rei's brow as he replied, "Yes, but how do you know my father?" The stranger, named Sho, revealed himself as an old friend of Kotarou and the sender of the carrier pigeon.

Rei's surprise was palpable as Sho reminisced about their shared past. As the conversation unfolded, the village chief and his people approached, bearing offerings of their meager harvest and a humble offering of gold. Gratitude hung heavy in the air as Sho translated the chief's words of thanks.

Moved by the villagers' plight, Rei declined their gifts, insisting that they needed them more than the mercenaries. The chief, touched by Rei's selflessness, offered a different form of repayment: access to the village's healer for Elric's injuries. With a nod of gratitude, Rei accepted, knowing that Elric would receive the care he needed.

As Rei departed with Elric in tow, Meldrid's voice pierced the solemn air, her plea echoing the collective sentiment of the group. With a promise to return soon, Rei ventured towards the chief's house, leaving his comrades to aid the villagers in their time of need.

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