Please stay here babe !

Start from the beginning

** Maya nodded and breathed in and out , while Carina called in sick for the week. She did leave earlier than she had planned a few days ago... because she faked a stomach ache. She told Addison that she's in high alert and might be taking off work sooner than expected. Addison understood. She said it was totally fine, she never takes time off. And she should be there for her wife , and she's still going to get paid every week. Which is wonderful news **

Carina: alright babe , everything is settled, Addison told me to not worry about work and to take care of you , and I will still be paid every week... and I never took any days off in the past years. Even after our children were born I only took a few months off or a year tops .. I don't remember, but it's not the point. The point is that I am officially off work for the next three weeks and if you are experiencing any Braxton hicks contractions then I will be starting my maternity leave early like right now and that's that.

Maya : perfect! Thank you!

** Carina took her coat and high heels off and she helped her wife walk to the mattress that they installed in their big living room and she helped her get as comfortable as possible! And they cuddled together... **

9h27 am

Carina : hrmmmm it feels so good to be cuddling with you.... Are you feeling better like this, with different pillows under your beautiful bum and legs and even one under your belly?
Maya : yesss , I'm feeling better now, and I'm happy you're staying home with me.. I wouldn't have felt safe if you had gone to work while I was literally clenching my teeth to try to hide the contractions ...

Carina: I know and I'm sorry for not being there for you during the last two months of your pregnancy.. I had to go to work in order for us to keep this beautiful mansion of a house... babe .
Maya: I know my love, I'm not blaming you for that at all. I know you had to work... and I know it was not easy.

Carina: it was heartbreaking to leave you alone... especially now that you're getting closer to thirty weeks... but seeing you interact with Nicco ... he really loves you so much.. it was heartwarming to see, I swear he was in my arms a couple days ago we were sitting on the couch and you were in the bathroom talking with Giovanni and Salvatore and Nicco literally pushed himself onto my chest and raised his head wondering why he was hearing you and not seeing you. It was the cutest thing ever!

Maya : I love you too, and I know what you mean, and I don't... I know you have a special bond with him too.. and nothing will change that.

**Carina changed into her relaxed clothes and came back downstairs and be with her wife **

Babe , I think we should...

Maya : I decided to stay here on the big mattress downstairs and we could have londyn and Niccolas sleep with us down here too, that way we're be at peace with our sleep, I mean because I'm on bed rest and I don't want you to feel guilty for sleeping downstairs with me and not being able to hear Nicco and Londyn's if they have seizure or randomly stop breathing...

Carina: I was just about to suggest the exact same thing! I will bring the little single bed mattress down for Londyn's and we'll have Nicco sleeping in his downstairs bassinet .

Maya : perfect, thank you for doing this!

Carina: it's what we do for each other, see what I mean by "letting yourself be pampered ". By the rest of your family... you need to enjoy yourself.. and just relax, pregnancy is beautiful and you deserve to enjoy it, as it is our last one.

You Are Loved ♥️ ( Chapter Twelve) Where stories live. Discover now