« D ... Miss Floris invited me over yesterday to sort things out with her daughter . »

Everything we weren't expecting happened except that .

Hannah is still in trouble for her escapade from class and school . Principal Reid is fuming with rage over her behavior , he had advised me to be stringent about my decision considering her , however I agree with her mother that she is a brilliant student and doesn't deserve such a treatment because of a dumb mistake she never committed until now because of me apparently .

Hannah obviously has a very bad temper but she is young and therefore heady . I can excuse that , especially that Darcy was somewhat similar to her at some point after graduation . My dear cousins had an early late adolescence apparently .

« Hmm ... and did you ? »

« Kinda ... »

She sighs . « That girl is trouble . »

« Well , I thought that was your favorite type of students . »

Ellie remains silent for a while before responding . « No , this girl is born to cause problems . There is a difference . »

I clutch my phone tightly as I hear her words . For whatever reason , I always have the urge to defend Hannah whenever someone tries to talk badly about her .

Yet I do the same thing once I speak with her .

Just like yesterday . Last night keeps playing in my head on repeat like a broken vinyl record .

Her anger issues and I don't get along at all , that much has been proven . I am a calm person but she manages to turn me into an outrageous one whose anger is even worse than hers . She makes me feel all sorts of ways , all sorts of weird emotions I had no idea were hidden deep inside me .

In my experience with women and dating , there has never been a moment when I felt about to loose every thread of sanity and patience until yesterday . I really nearly lost it with her proximity and her scent ... that lavender scent that's always attached to her and gets stuck in my nose . Sometimes I smell it even when she's not around .

« Either way , she's still just a student . »

« Whatever . »

Someone knocks on my door . « I have to hang up . Stay safe , Ellie . »

« You too . Call me if you need someone to talk to while being there , I'm sorry to say this but I wouldn't want to be you right now . » She chuckles and I force a smile . As though she is here to see me !

I hang up and walk to the door to open it . I find Beth standing there and asks me to go downstairs for breakfast before rushing down quickly . Just as I am about to close the door I hear laughter , beautiful and sweet . I close my eyes as if trying to memorise the sound of her laugh , I find myself smiling widely unwillingly as I walk out and start heading towards the stairs , passing by her room on the way .

« You're making me laugh like a pig , Iker ! » Hannah's sentence penetrates my ears like a venomous needle . I turn around and glance her room's door is slightly opened . I look around before walking there to listen to her very interesting conversation with Iker .

I look through the small gap and glance nothing but Hannah's legs swinging behind her as she lies down on her bed on her stomach .

« Oh it's not so bad . »

I stand there , looking around me every now then so that nobody walks in on me eavesdropping on her .

« It's temporary so ... whatever ... »

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