[15] Lily, Queen Of Bad Decisions😩🤙

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(Clarification: if you feel like the story is jumping too fast, it's because the canon story fills in the rest. I'll still try my best to pinpoint where we are in the books but let me know if you don't get it.♡)


I let out a relaxed breath, as I leaned on Damon's chest, the warm water of the bathtub coddling us as he sat down and I straddled him sitting on his lap. My body felt completely sore, my muscles burning from the intense session we had. It was such a weird feeling, to be so comfortable with him, despite the small amount of time we spent together. We talked, getting to know each other, without mentioning sensitive topics. His past, his mother, my parents, my own loneliness which I tried to hide.

"So, what did you do in the years I was in jail?" Damon asked me and I thought about it for a second. I didn't do much, I couldn't afford to do basically anything, but I was content enough with my life, despite missing my parents so much.
"Mh, nothing interesting, I worked, and hung out with Mara, I just...survived I guess." I said, as I gently washed his hair, the scent of my shampoo filled the bathroom, as my fingers massaged his scalp.

"You didn't go to parties? Thunder Bay has quite an active nightlife..." He said, and I wanted to comment that it was boring without the Horsemen but I didn't want to boost his ego too much.
"Mh, nah, we don't really like parties, we stayed in, and drank while watching dumb romance movies. Everytime we cringed we drank. It was like a game."
I explained and he was the one cringing now.
"Oh c'mon, the Warehouse, Sticks', the beach? You two didn't find a party where to go? I saw your friend and she's not the type to stay in, you're definitely the nerd." He said, flicking my forehead playfully. I smacked his hand away frowning at him.
"No, I don't like going to Sticks', it's full of people..." "Oh, amazing, it's almost as if it's a pub, Lily." He said, taunting me.

"Wait...something happened, didn't it?" He asked me, and I shook my head, feigning ignorance. He insisted for a while, not buying any of my bullshit and so I explained how a couple of years ago, I was with Mara at Sticks and I was walking toward the bathroom, when Miles Anderson groped my ass, trying to lure me into some weird shit with his psycho girlfriend Astrid.

"God, why has nobody killed that bastard yet?" Damon growled, his body tensing under me as I kept his head still to rinse the shampoo from his hair.
"Yeah, he's so weird, didn't he also keep on talking shit about you guys? Poor guy, wanted to be popular so badly..." I said, shaking my head in pity. Damon asked me what did I do with Miles and I looked at him, my lips curled in a pout. I wasn't sure if I wanted to say it. It was so chaotic...oh well, I didn't care.

"Well, my body reacted automatically, I turned around but I didn't see a waiter holding a tray with drinks. I accidentally hit him, and he spilled everything on Miles and Astrid." I said, looking away ashamed. That was an accident, I felt so bad for the waiter. Damon looked at me, blinking for a second before snorting into a laugh. His chest shook against mine, and I looked at him
"Damon, no..It's not funny, okay? That poor waiter also slipped and fell. We were kicked out and I was banned...Wouldn't surprise me if on the door there's a sign with my face and the words. "Do not enter, bitch." I said, making him laugh even more. His deep voice rumbled in his chest, and he sounded so good while laughing so carefreely.

"Oh my god, this is too funny. So those two were drenched in drinks?" Damon asked me, still laughing. "Also why the fuck did you say you didn't like Sticks' then?" He asked me, breathing out to calm himself down, but he was still chuckling. "I was trying to look cool, dude...like "I'm not the other girls" I said, flattering my eyelashes and moving my hair being my ear, jokingly.
"Yeah, no, you're worse, baby." He said, shaking his head at me, and I scoffed. I never really cared about fitting in, I usually did what I liked, and thought what I wanted. I had my ideas, my interests and my opinions. And I was unapologetic about it. I didn't need many friends either, despite everything, I was content enough with my life and myself.

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