Stealing the Wand

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"Come on. Check your mirror" Mal requests.

"Is my mascara messed up?" Evie worries.

"Ya and while you're at it, check on the wand." I grin.

"Sure. This way"
We get to the library and look through the doors. There sits Maleficent's spinning wheel. I've never seen it up close. It's kinda cool I'll be honest. Not to Jay though, "That's your mother's spinning wheel?"

"Yeah, It's kinda dorky" Carlos agrees.

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." I reason.

"Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." Mal mutters.


"I got chills"

"Okay, you know what? "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." Mal repeats.

The guard gets up and walks over. He pricks his finger before falling asleep on the platform. Wow, that works like a charm.

"Not so dorky now, huh?"

Now the second problem, the locked doors. I presume Mal has a spell for that too though.

Jay warns, "Stand back"

Jay gets ready to run and bust down the door but then Mal finds the spell she wanted and recites, "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick."

The doors fly open just as Jay is jumping to kick, making him fall on his butt.


"So close. It's upstairs" Evie reports glancing at her mirror.

"Come on. Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up, up, up"

"Come on, guys. Almost there" After stairs, and multiple turns with hallways we come to the main room. There are life sized statues of our parents there.



"I will never forget mother's day again"


"Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce. Let's go" Jay shrugs.

We continue to follow Evie before I notice Mal is gone.

"Where's Mal?" I wonder.

"No idea, come on this way" Evie leads.

I head back to where I think we were last,

"Mal, Come on" I say, seeing her still in front of the statue. It seems like she is in her own little world right now. "Mal?" I repeat.

I hear footsteps and see Evie coming towards us, "Hey guys, I found the wand. Let's go"

This seems to break Mal out of her trance because we're running to the wand., " Here it is"

The wand is floating with a little shield or something around it and a metal barrier. We have to be smart about this. I figure you touch the shield thing and it alerts everyone. So maybe Carlos can get downstairs and turn it all off, before we grab it.

Jay doesn't think about it and starts to go under the metal barrier to the wand.

"Jay, don't do that! Wait, no! Jay! No!" But it is too late. He reaches and the shield goes off with an alarm.

"Let's go" I huff.


"Come on!"

We are racing through the halls and down the stairs trying to make it out before the guard wakes up when there is a ringing of a phone. I am at the end of the line so I see Carlos make a beeline to the phone. Smart, if no one responded then the people might get more suspicious.

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