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"Lou? I've been thinking about something lately. A lot actually." Harry said as they were lying in bed that evening.

"Alright, I would let you finger me." Louis replied.

Harry burst out giggling.
"Not that! Wait, really?"

Louis rolled on top of him and kissed him.

"I'd love to but that was what I was thinking about." Harry said.

Louis started kissing his neck.

"I...God, I can't concentrate when you do that. This is important." Harry said.

Louis stopped what he was doing and smirked at him before he rolled off.
"What is it?"

"Well... I think this film will get a lot of attention and, I don't know... What do say about coming out publically?" Harry suggested.

"Oh, wow. Are you sure we're ready for that?" Louis asked.

"I don't know but I think we should at least discuss it." Harry said.

"You're right. Pros and cons?" Louis asked and sat up.

"We wouldn't have to hide anymore and we could actually thank each other if we win a price." Harry said.

"True. I'd love that. On the downside, we wouldn't get the roles we want." Louis said.

"Also true but we both make LGBTQ+ movies anyway." Harry shrugged.

"You do. I've made other types of movies." Louis pointed out.

"Right, and I still want the option and possibility." Harry said.

"Another con is having to deal with the hate online which will affect our loved ones as well." Louis said.

"True but we already deal with that to an extent." Louis said.

They looked at each other. Harry seemed to hesitate before he spoke up.
"We could get married and eh... have kids."

Louis smiled.
"Is that a proposal?"

"No, I mean kind of but not really. I'm just telling you where I hope our relationship is going. I love you, Louis and I want all of that in the near future but I don't want to hide then. How are we supposed to raise a child in secret?" Harry answered emotionally.

Louis kissed him.
"I love you and what you just said made me so happy. I want the same future with you. I guess that means that we will come out then?"

"Yeah, but after the movie is made." Harry smiled.

The next day they were all gathered again to read the rest of the script. Niall began reading.


BARRY and LEON in a meeting with SIMON.

Boys, unfortunately, the rumor about the two of you won't go away.

LEON (defiant)
Well, maybe that's because it's not a rumor?

We can't have that. Barry, you will get a new temporary girlfriend. One of the Kardashians has agreed to date you.

BARRY (sarcastic)

A fucking Kardashian? Who?

Kendall Jenner.

LEON (snorts)
Of course.

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