"What's wrong, love?" Louis asked softly and came up and hugged Harry from behind. He had to rush to the bathroom as soon as they got home and missed Harry's mood change. He immediately picked up on it as he entered the kitchen.

"I can't get this script out of my head. It's pretty obvious that you and I were Niall's inspiration and I don't know how to feel about that." Harry sighed.

"We can always demand that he change the name of the characters if that's what bothers you." Louis suggested.

"It's not that. It's the closeting in the industry that bothers me. I know we're not musicians but it's the same for actors. I mean, We're hiding our relationship from the public because it would be career suicide otherwise. Now, I wasn't a sixteen-year-old naive kid when I pursued an acting career but I wasn't much older. I knew what I had to sacrifice to be able to do this. That doesn't mean that it doesn't bother me at times. How about you?" Harry said. He turned around and hugged his boyfriend.

"I can only agree with everything you just said." Louis answered.

"Maybe we have to think about the names of the characters and how it might affect us?" Harry said as he pulled away.

"We already had that discussion agreeing to this movie, remember? I don't think the names matter as much as the fact that we're once again playing a gay couple together." Louis smiled.

"Yeah, are we ready for the backslash though?" Harry wondered.

"I am but you sound unsure and that's okay, love. If you wanna back out you can still do it." Louis said.

"Absolutely not! I'm getting fond of the characters. I want to play Barry." Harry protested.

"I'm glad to hear that. I don't think I would feel comfortable playing Leon without you." Louis said and pecked his lips.

They made dinner and ate. When it was time for bed Harry brought their manuscripts with him. They made themselves comfortable before they began to read.


1 STUDIO The boys sit in a ring. Nigel plays the guitar. They sing Little Things (see sheet music).

2. STAGE performing.

3. STUDIO recording.

4. TOURBUS traveling.

5. STAGE Performing.

6. STUDIO recording.

7. BARRY and LEON making out in TOURBUS.

8. STAGE Performing.

9. STUDIO Recording.


Harry flipped through the papers to find the songs. He found the right page but it only contained the title and a note that the song needed to be written and a short synopsis of what it should be about.
"Look! Niall hasn't written this one. Wanna give it a chance?"

"Ehm, why not? Let's see... A song about all the little things you love about someone. Geez. I've never written a song before. Ehm..." Louis rambled.

"Relax." Harry giggled and found a notebook and a pen.

"Okay." Louis smiled and rested his head against Harry's shoulder.

"Tell me something you love about me or us that's kind of intimate." Harry said and held the pen against the paper.

"You're great in bed." Louis grinned.

"Thanks." Harry giggled. "Maybe something more romantic."

"Ehm, I like your hands. They're bigger than mine so when we hold hands they fit perfectly. Like, your hand covers mine and I like that." Louis said.

"I like that too. That's a good one. How about Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me?" Harry suggested.

"That's perfect." Louis beamed and Harry wrote that down. "What else?"

"Ehm, you know I'm especially fond of those freckles on your cheeks." Louis smiled and touched Harry's face, tracing his fingers between them. Your turn now." Louis smiled.

Harry glanced at him.
"I love the crinkles by your eyes when you smile."

"Hate those!" Louis huffed.

"That makes absolutely no sense to me. They're a testament to a genuine smile. It's just like when you complain about your nonexistent tummy or your thighs. Crazy. You're perfect." Harry said.

"Thanks, love but is this a song about me insecurities?" Louis chuckled.

"I can scratch that." Harry offered.

"No, keep it and see if we can use it. Add the dimples in the back of the bottom of your spine. I stare at those often." Louis said and smirked.

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea." Harry said and glanced at the cup on the nightstand. "Your tea is getting cold by the way."

Louis sat up and took a sip. He looked at Harry.
"You talk in your sleep and it makes no fucking sense but it's quite amusing."

Harry smiled and added that. They spent the next hour adding and scratching things, rhyming, coming up with a chorus, making sure to add the title of the song, and then Harry picked up the guitar and came up with a melody.
"That sounds great. We're pretty good at this." Louis said and yawned.

Harry put the guitar away and lay down. Louis wrapped his arm around him.
"Maybe Niall has something totally different in mind?"

"Could be but we'll show him the song at least." Louis mumbled sleepily.

"Okay. Good night. Love you." Harry said.

"Good night. Love you." Louis replied.

The next morning they headed to the reading early. Niall was already there. Harry had his guitar with him and he and Louis sang their song for Niall. He looked surprised.
"It's perfect! It's the exact theme I had in mind. I had no idea you could write songs like that."

"Neither did we." Harry smiled.

"Please write more songs. Look in the back of the script. A lot of the songs only have a synopsis, you know, what they should be about to fit that part of the movie. Feel free to give it a go." Niall said.

"Alright." Louis agreed.

Zayn and Liam arrived as well and Niall asked Harry and Louis to sing the song again.
"Great song! Wow, it made me inspired to try some songwriting." Liam smiled.

"Well, we need a lot more songs so go ahead. Maybe we should have a songwriting workshop before we start filming? We need songs for the movie anyway." Niall suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that." Liam agreed.

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