25. A Job Fit for a King

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It was the next day after the crowning ceremony. Zestra had only come by in fleeting moments, telling of how Princess Trix was bedridden and how she needed to be at her side until her discomfort passed. I had nodded along understand the need, but worried a little. It seemed neglectful of the court duties that I assumed she would have had. There was nothing for me to do though. I stretched my legs and wandered the castle while greeting any staff that came across me.

Zestra was still unavailable in the morning and I was still barred from meeting the princess. So with this extra time that was in my hands Lawrences suggestion came to mind. I was a little hesitant at first to leave the palace until I noticed that no one actually stopped me. The only reason that I could think of was that Lawrence was the one in charge of doing just that. Hopping into a carriage, it was a quick zoom down to the city, accompanied by a single guard and a coachman.

In my mind this was simply how I was paying back Lawrence for news on where Satin was. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined it to be this lackluster.

"...And if that ol' mammy of mine done gone and taught our neighbors a thing or two of the whole whallop, bang, ping routine then this here crop done would've known a thing or two of the real world. So I thank once again the kind heart of this here schoolhouses patron and praise the new king for coming down here to listen to what this old timer has to say. Thank you."

There was a smattering of applause that barely rose above and broke out of the thoroughly distracted crowd. A tap on my shoulder jolted me from my boredom induced stupor just in time for a hand to be push me onto the centerstage.

My smile was as fake as it was wide. "As representative of the royal court and delegate of the queen herself, I hereby declare this house of learning. Open!" I said cutting a little red ribbon that hung across the school's door.

There was a much larger applause that came from this with some of the students even whistling and jumping in excitement.

I walked off, nodding to the old man, keeping my smile up when head teacher came up. A few grey strands were on her head and her huge glasses were something she had to push up before speaking.

"When Larry said he was going to get someone special for the opening I never expected for the new king himself to turn up"

My smile stretched even further, but I couldn't drop it now. "New king that's me."

"Bless you king rose."

She seemed to be on the verge of bawling her eyes out, the glasses magnifying them to look like those of a puppy. Luckily her right hand stepped in, a quick girl with brown hair and a skirt that seemed too rough for a school teacher.

"Us teachers will turn these children into something you can be proud of."

I sighed, how could any heart fake itself to this sincerity. My stretched grin dropped and I replaced it with a weary look. Placing a hand on her shoulder I said, "With the dedication I see inside of you, I'm already proud."

The woman stood there with her mouth open, pink in the face and frozen in time when a third teacher in a dappled green dress came over to push both of them away.

"Thank you sir. Come along now children. We'll start right away, daylight's still young!"

All three teachers opened the door and herded themselves in while talking excitedly among themselves. Following behind in a rough crowd were the students who were carrying the chairs they had been sitting on back inside.

"Hello Mr. King!"

"Bye sir."

"My mama says your handsome."

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