8. No Stopping Now

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Tears were in my eyes as I packed mine and Satin's bag.

Right after the Queen left, I sat down on a stool and felt myself smile for a good minute before the horror set in. For a quick moment it had seemed like heaven on earth. I had seen a face of true beauty and had the honor to see it dressed to the best of my talent. Both of us had caught each others eye. Shared a bliss that encapsulated just the both of us.

When I looked around and she wasn't there, the room seemed to have had lost its lust. A light had dimmed in the world and I knew that staying here would not return its brightness. She must have been halfway to the palace by now. I would never meet her again or never the real her. It would always be this shadowed face under a cloak and behind a fan.

A void of emptiness threatened to swallow me whole. I had not felt its like for a great while, but had not forgotten how to deal with it. I stood up quickly and strode to the storefront and flipped the sign closed.

What had passed was the pinnacle of experience here, so the natural course of action would be to leave. Permanently. It was imperative to keep my mind distracted. That adventure with Saren would be a great way to renew my senses. We wouldn't sell the place. Like my trips of old we could come back here, a home base to retreat to.

I found the great bag of my old travels and went to the my room, quickly dumping the contents of a drawer. A map, compass, and the savings were what I secured. Going to my dresser, I dumped its store as well and hastily changed into a set of traveling clothes. Well cut and flexible that a coarseness to them fit for the road. Putting on a pair of my finest leather boots, they were much fancier than the ones I had used before and would last much me the entire trip.

Going into Sarens room, I wipe my eyes thinking of the places we could go first to the peak of Mount Aywa, the farthest and highest point in the north one could possibly go. The view would be astounding, I wonder if my friends would still recognize me?

The doorbell rang and I raced downstairs to find both my staff in a state of confusion and attempting to get the shop ready to open again.

"Carmilla! Gretel! You came right on time." I strode over and they straightened up stiffly at the usualness.

"Mr. Rose, what is this?" Carmilla asked as I pushed a small, but hefty purse into her hands.

"Severance bonus," I answered pushing another of the same into Gretel who leaned forward eager if a little worried.

"Severance?" She asked, drawing the string and looking inside.

"The shops closing. You've both been let go. I'll need someone to look after the building though, so you've both been hired again."

Gretel was smiling warmly with eyes that didn't even pretend to understand what had just been said.

Carmilla on the other hand was scowling furiously as the cogs turned in her head, "What- you're going away? Why?"

My hands froze while emptying the coin box behind the counter. My voice had never been so quiet, "I feel like I have no other choice."

The bell tinkled again.

"There is always a choice." The queen said, unpinning and letting her cloak fall to the ground. One of the girls gasped as the others jaw hit the floor. With a strut, her majesty went to the center of the room and faced me with a renewed vigor. "We shall get married."

I dropped the coin box, spilling its contents to the floor. My mouth felt dry, why had she come back? For a minute I didn't dare speak. Was she serious? Another part of the game? I couldn't stay silent forever.

"It would never be."

She tilted her head with a playful smile, "You've seen through me. I am queen"

"The world would spite us for it."

I tried to pick up the coins, but when then the queen moved forward I had to stop myself from running away.

Her eyes were set on me, "I am not afraid of phantoms."

It was hard to look away from her intense gaze.

"My house has nothing to offer."

She stood in front of my escape and I met her eyes, still smiling as if she wasn't proposing the end of the world. "And yet you shine brighter than any piece of gold."

"Satin, my firstborn-"

"Would be welcomed to the palace as a sibling to my own children."

Her hand slipped into mine. Small, perfect, warm. A tinge of a frown entered her face and I pulled her close to ask one final question.

"How will I not fail you?"

The queen disappeared and in her place was someone that had lit a fire I thought had long died.

"I don't know.

There was a chime. I didn't see who it was.

"Outrageous!" A shocked voice gasped.

"What is your name good sir?" She asked.

"Velterrion Rose," I answered, raising a hand to brush her cheek.

"Velterrion Rose. Will you marry me?"

My breath was sharp.

"Together forever, I promise you now."

We kissed and outside the bells were already ringing.

Satin Rose and the Witch HuntersWhere stories live. Discover now