7. Destiny is an Opinion

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Klaus and I stood outside of the tailoring in silence. The valet was looking off into the distance pensively as he held lightly to a small chest painted with the shops red rose. Inside was the black and gold gown that we had bought for a measly fifty-gold pieces as it was all Mr. K had with him and tailor didn't want him to get more from the carriage. Behind us, the open sign had been flipped to now read "closed". The horses neighed as two women passed by giggling, then silencing themselves as they saw me before heading inside the shop. A bird flew overhead. A single cloud drifted aimlessly in the sky.

I felt cheated.

The exquisite dress was nothing more than a consolation prize awarded by the world. I had come out of the castle for a wander around town, perhaps peek at the market and see the festivals dancing with my own eyes. Yet here, in a random shop I had decided to enter on a whim, was the elation of a lifetime. And then it was over, only perhaps for an hour or two. That was the most truly fun event I had experience in a great while. Why? I didn't know. I almost couldn't stop smiling the whole way through.

But alas the time for dress up has passed. I would be expected in the Palace soon and if not, guards would start scouring the kingdom for me. I would never meet that fine tailor ever again. A summon to the palace could bring him for a while, yet the divide of queen and commoner would be palpable in the air. I would see him, greet him, but not the same him. To play dress up forever...

Turning around I went back to the door.

Klaus almost dropped the box, spinning to attention, "Ms. Z where are you going?"

The door rang as I entered the shop again.

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