23. Royal Guest

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It was a hot day and sweat was beginning to stock up under the heavy cloak. The local elder was giving a speech about the importance of a good education but his words were a little slow to come out and his speech was beginning to turn towards how school house teachers should scare children more and all about how he would have done it himself. No one was listening though.

In front of the podium, the few children there were in an almost feral state for having to listen and sit in a chair for too long and the three teachers had there attention divided. One was attempting to calm the children down, the other was gossiping loudly with a parent in the back, and the third seemed to have fallen asleep with her eyes open. Who could blame them for not being enthusiastic? The schoolhouse was actually a barn that the district leader had bought after the roof started leaking.

The little courtyard was otherwise deserted, not even pigeons seemed interested in the gathering. How did I even get here? I though wiping my brow and thinking to the excitement of the past days.

During the wedding, there was a feast. After the feast was a party. Then was an exhibit of the dresses. Following the show was another party. Circling right back round that was another feast. It had been almost a full day of non-stop indulgence and euphoria. There was laugher, music, games. I'd been to many a frivolous and merry gatherings, but nothing THIS extravagant. All my neighbors had personally come to congratulate me, whispering jokes about royal favors or that I owed them something. They weren't the extravagant part though, no that honor came to the aristocrats that populate the palace, the merchant that had come far and wide for the festival, and even royalty from nearby kingdoms.

They wore every color of the rainbow and, if I were to be honest, most of them were quite round. I had smiled and waved to all with the queen, my wife, in my arms and the world was a perfect storm of fantasy coming into my life. When night fell we retired and I woke up the next morning with quite the headache.

Wine had never something I could hold well. Clutching my forehead, it was all I could do to keep myself from making a noise when I realized that the missus still had her arms wrapped around me. Looking at her sleeping face, my thumb brushed against her lips and a smiled slowly lit her face as she tucked even deeper into the pillows. Perhaps dreams do come true? Though this was never my dream.

Looking around the bedroom it was easily the size of my entire shop. The curtains what framed the enormous windows was twice my height, an entire table set made of silver was in one corner still holding bottles from yesterday, and all around us the walls were decorated with memorabilia from the ages long past. Maps, paintings, a sword was even displayed above the fireplace in a glass case.

Ever so gently, I lifted the queens hand, "Zestra my love are you awake?"

She shifted in under the sheets, but answered nothing. Walking over to an arm chair, my clothes from the night were strewn about and it took some time to find all the pieces. In the end I stood in front of a mirror, dressed up still in the suit from the wedding the mirror was so wide that it seemed the entire room was reflected back with me being a tiny part of it all. At this time, I would have already been cooking for breakfast and calling Satin down, perhaps starting on new fabric and seeing what shape it would make itself.

Looking around there wasn't much to in the room except wait for the queen to wake up. A tall and dusty bookshelf held ancient scrolls, long forgotten notes, and a few books. I scanned them and picked up The Memoirs of Piecemaker I and took a seat on a silver chair. It was quiet in the early morning with the only sound being a few birds chirping outside. The book was had a simple leather bind dyed black and nothing of interest other than the fading title the had been pressed into the front. Just before I opened it though I looked at Queen Zestra from afar again.

I had looked so far for my place in the world and thought that it was by Satin's side. I didn't even know where he was, yet here I am having run off with a woman had barely met in a few hours.

But it felt so real. Nadalia had died giving birth to Baron. Of course I loved him and I loved her. When he was all that was left, it was as if nothing else would ever be as important as keeping that love alive.

When I held Zestra's hand though, looked into her eyes, hear her laugh, a new love in had bloomed where I thought it would be barren forever. How could I not water it? Make it grow into something worth keeping.

And if I were to be practical, look at all this wealth! Satin and I were never in danger of destitution. The store always had costumer-


My train of thought came to a screeching halt. I put the book down and opened the door slowly. Through the crack I could see the dark man that had helped us plan our wedding. Dressed in a slick black suit with white gloves, his midnight eyes bore holes in me.

"Good morning... Lawrence," I had learned his name yesterday and had almost forgotten.

"Good morning sir," He said dryly with a deep voice. His eyes flickered behind me to peek inside. "Her majesty's presence is needed in the throne room."

"The queen is still asleep."

He nodded. As he was closing it I caught the door. I felt a little ashamed at myself for only thinking to do this after the wedding.

"Wait!" Better late than never I suppose. "The palace has extra hands? I need a few items from my house that I wasn't able to bring."

The man raised an eyebrow, "Your house- my lord?"

"Yes, I'll make a list right now and write down the address. Just give me a minute." Turning, I scrambled and found a pen and a dusty bottle of ink on the bookshelf.

Quickly scribbling out my address the head butler asked, "Will that be necessary my lord?"

Indignant, I shot him a look, "Of course it would be." Then my scribbling stopped as the meaning of what he said settled. "I'm not king am I?"

"No," He replied immediately in a flat voice.

Silently, my hands finished the letter. Handing it to him, my sigh was one that I had been holding on for a while now. "Thought so. Here's where my house is, the instructions of what to do are also there, and – I'll get the queen ready."

"Is this all sir?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

Before closing the door I answered, "Yes. I'm not king Lawrence, but I'll try my best."

Later that day we were in the throne room. A seat next to the queen had been prepared for me with a tall back and arm rests. It was hard to call it a throne though, obviously there for a quick answer. The pillows and padding made it more comfortable than it first seemed. The palace's lords and ladies had gathered for my ceremonial crowning and were just about to be introduce.

A crier was by the door. The tassel on his puffy hat was tickling his face when he moved it with a wave and began to shout. "Announcing! Sir. Artemis Paradizo, the seventh of his name! Duke of Ire, member of the Colfer Alliance, foundering member of the Hunterington Division, and special member of the Lep Knights! Accompanied by Minerva Fowl, the ninth in her name! Baroness of Ira, Head of the Queens Order, Alchemist of House Fowl, and creator of the Frauden Pau! Bask in their presence and hail to the queen!"

The great doors opened and in came a duo with sharp eyes and dark hair. Their wrinkled face was one of two things that betrayed their true age, the other being the speed of their steps. As they seemed to walk as slowly as possibly I knew it was going to be a very long day.

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