11. The Dark Guardian

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The light was blinding. Then it was gone. Damp air filled our noses and the sound of dripping echoed on the stones. But the cobble wasn't just underneath us. It surrounded, the walls, the roof, we we're in a cramp tunnel that hit my head when I tried to stand up. Glancing back, both Phin and Chris were also rubbing their heads as they hit the roof as well. The tunnel extended into darkness behind them and a soft cold breeze chilled. What was important was in front of us though.

There was no question, this was the Dark Wloran initiation site. Evident by the wooden sign that hung from a rope buried in the stones above saying Dark Wloran initiation site with a solid red circle also on the sign. A wooden door capped off the other end of the tunnel and a torch. There was only one thing now standing between us and the entrance.

A girl, also hunched over, seemed to have been picking up a stool when we appeared before her. A small candelabra was in her hand and was the only source of light in the tunnel. It was hard to make out what she was wearing with the dim light, but she seemed to be wearing a black cloak fashioned like. Locks of dark hair fell around her face as her eyes creased together, staring us down with a disapproving frown.

"Admissions done," she clipped. "We're about to start and I'm packin up. Exits right behind you."

"Um," I looked back to the guys who were just as lost as I was. I said "Good day, We're here for the initiation."

"We're moving out before any tough guys wander in," Her voice was flat and bored. Turning her back to us she was fumbling with a key ring when she continue, "Try again next year."

"But it was barely even noon!" My voice raised itself. I moved forward to tug on her cape when Chris pressed forward to stop my hand.

"Apologies for the tardiness," he said softly. The girl turned to him and when he flashed his best smile her eyes only grew more annoyed. "We've dreamed of this day since we we're little and I'm afraid that the puzzle was almost a bit too much for our minds. If you'd excuse us, we'd be forever grateful."

She raised an eyebrow, "You do know that the invites were designed for kids half our age right? Aren't you a bit old to start learning magic?"

Phinion pressed forward to pop his face over my shoulder, "Yes. Yes we are."

"All the more reason to start now," I added.

"Please?" Chris pleaded with a wry smile.

The girl was unimpressed. Her mouth was a thin line of contempt and she looked at us just long enough to make me nervous. Finally a great sigh escaped her. "I'm not even getting paid," Jingling her keys, she pulled the door. "Stand back, it swings out."

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