21. Eyes Under the Bed

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"Who's there?" My eyes could see well into the shadows of the room, but no one was there.

"They're Shut, not like you and me. You must be new here." The voice tiny and high. It seemed to be coming from under by bed.

Hopping down I continued to talk all while keeping my eyes peeled. The trio outside were now on the windowsill and looking for more crumbs.

"My names Satin. Where are you?"

"I'm Arianap," the voice answered. It was raspy about like when you hadn't talked in a while and was slowly getting smaller and smaller as of it was walking away. "We don't get many newcomers. Best to not tangle with strangers really, you never know if they'd see eye to eye."

"Wait!" I shouted putting my head to the floor. I was desperate enough to talk to nothing. "I'm looking for someone. He lives in this house, have you seen-" A tiny lump in my throat formed when I saw what I was talking to and had to pause to swallow, "Him?"

It was a spider. It was a big spider. It was bigger than me. Squeezed under the bed, its eight legs moved in a wave of spindly, hairy, sharp sticks that turned its body around. Eight shiny eyes glistened from a small head, its two furry mandibles moving lightly. Has this been under MY bed the entire time! Frozen it place, the spider slowly walked out toward me.

"The Weaver? Such beauty he creates! As if he's been doing it for generations. The patterns he imbues silk with is something only the longest of fangs can dream off. That broodling of his can learn a thing or two really."

My feet were pinned to the ground. Not daring to take my eyes off it, I was measuring in my mind how long it with take me to scramble up the chest and jump out the window. The spider would probably be faster than anything I could do though. My heart was thumping in my chest, my eyes the widest they had ever been, yet something in me steeled.

"I need to give him something," The spider paused its approach. "D-Do you know where he went?" I stuttered.

"Well I never knew he could talk to us beasts. I would have had so many questions to ask of him." It said rubbing its front legs.

"He can't, Yet, But I'll be sure to tell him when if we meet." I could recognize its voice better, was it a girl? There seemed to be something in between its hands now, a white string that she rolled over and over. I shook my head. Think of dad, but I had to be careful. "Did he go out?" I said again hoping that my voice didn't sound too desperate.

The spider was now looking down on her own work and didn't seem to be paying much attention to me. "Around lunch time yesterday, the summer flies have just started buzzing in the air you know? Then these two dapper looking individuals came to try on the Weaver's silks. Oh you should have seen them! Twinkling and fluttering and spinning, I would have looked on for ages had they not stopped."

It sounded like the woman was smiling, it was hard to make sure without any lips. "Dapper?" I hadn't heard that word since the school teacher was had described her husband. Could a thief really be called so? "He- The Weaver went with them?"

"Indeed," She nodded. "Once they had done with the revelry the went outside and I just had to follow. My legs though haven't been the same after a run in with a lizard, mean things they are, so when I finally reached the outside some commotion had gone down. I heard many clatters and perhaps more cam inside. Anyway when I finally got to the front entrance the Weaver was already being escorted into one of those fancy wooden contractions pulled by beasts. I'm not too familiar with that sort, but could appreciate the work laid on it. All sparkling, bright colors ho! Ho!" Putting down her limbs the spider took another look at me. I jumped back thinking that she had finished sppinning her net, yet when her hands raised to expand her web a curtain of spider silk fell in between us. It flapped slightly as if there were a breeze, a picture of the spider itself had been braided into. Sharp and stylistic, it was all one piece, but a triCk of the light made the parts that were thicker send shadows that made the picture move. In some places the piece was so thin that if one didn't peer closely you'd think there was a gap. In a soft voice she added, "I haven't gossip this much since I was a hatchling."

"Its beautiful," I whispered holding out a wing to caress with my feathers, then pulling it back in fear of tearing it.

"Why thank you dearie," If it wasn't clear that she had been smiling before the joy in her voice now was palatable.

I shook my head again. Was this a distraction? "A carriage? They rode off in a carriage?"

"Deeper into the heart of the city. I knew he had been talented, but it was only yesterday that I witnessed trued perfection. If you see him would please ask if he's looking for an apprentice?" The spider had folded the piece into an impressively tiny package and handed it to me.

"I will," How would Dad even react to this. I stretched out a wing again, not sure how I would even hold it, when she came close and stuck the little blob of silk under my wing where it held fast. I nodded to her and did the best bow that I could do in a raven's body. "Thank you for your time. Araidnap? There aren't many carriages like that here and few who are wild enough to do something like that in broad daylight."

"So you know where to go?"

"I think so," I answered hopping back to the windowsill, scaring the starlings into flight. From here the palace at the center of the city gleamed in the morning sun.

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