❤️‍🩹 remember that i love you ❤️‍🩹

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ᯓ★ leo valdez x reader angst ᯓ★
On the Argo II, nothing was alright. Percy and Annabeth were literally in Tartarus, travel was taking forever, Gaea was supposed to awaken on August 1st, and 'to storm or fire, the world must fall.' So everything was far from alright. But that didn't mean that you and Leo couldn't pretend things were alright. Being one of the demigods of the prophecy was definitely not alright. You needed something to get you through this. And that's when your boyfriend, Leo came in. While everything else about life was pretty shitty at the moment, you still had Leo; and Leo had you. Unfortunately, that was life for a typical demigod.

You and Leo were sitting on the bow of the Argo II. And just by the way he laid his head on your shoulder and sighed, you could tell that he needed a break. Coach Hedge had to practically pry him from behind the wheel. The poor dude overworked himself so much for this quest and he still feels inferior. If you could take a tiny fragment of the appreciation that the other demigods felt towards him, and give it to him to see how important he really is: you would. You wished he good see how important and powerful he really is. But, this wasn't a perfect life. This was the life of a demigod. You took one look at his face and frowned. The bags under his eyes have gotten significantly bigger than when the Argo II came to camp Jupiter. His curly brown hair was all messed up.

He looked like he hadn't slept in days (in all honesty, he probably hadn't) You put your hand on top of his. Instantly, you could feel his unnaturally high body heat; being a son of Hephaestus and all. You were worried for him, because he never talked about being tired or feeling burnt out. Leo always bottled up his emotions or covered them up with jokes. You squeezed his hand. "You overwork yourself Leo." You said; your voice was barely above a whisper. You looked like you were about to cry. "Nah." He disagreed. "I'm fine." His head was still resting on your shoulder. He was clearly not fine, he was just bottling it up. "You can talk to me." You reassured. "You know that right?" Leo rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah. But there's nothing to talk about. I'm fine."

"You clearly aren't Leo." You grumbled. "Talk to me. About anything you're feeling." Leo looked like he was about to shed a tear. "Can we do this somewhere more private?" He begged. "I don't want the entire crew to know that im a crybaby." At this point, you wanted to start crying for him. "You're not a crybaby." You whispered. His lips trembled as you started to lead him to your room on the Argo II. You felt so bad for him. You wondered how much tears he was gonna let out in your room, and he wondered that too. He practically collapsed on your bed as soon as you two entered your room. He didn't want anybody except you to see him like this. He was 'Leo valdez, the funny guy, always making people's day better. How would they feel when they saw the same guy crying his eyes out?

     You joined him on your bed and spoke up. "Leo. Talk to me." You decided to pull him on your lap. Maybe that would make him feel more comfortable or make him feel more loved and wanted, and letting him know that he could just let all of those bottled up emotions out right now. "I'm a loser." Leo thought. "Weak, pathetic loser. She's your girlfriend. You're supposed to be the one who's comforting her. Not the other way around." He was so mad at himself for not being happy and funny all the time. Though. He knew that was something he couldn't control. He wondered how you saw him in your eyes. Did he look like an over emotional, weak, pathetic, loser? Or did he look like the overworked, hurt, selfless guy that he was?

"I-" Leo's lips trembled. He tried to speak, but he just physically couldn't. He felt so pathetic and weak. Leo buried his face into your shoulder; he was crying his eyes out. The sound of his melancholy tears broke your heart. How long had he been holding back these tears? You knew being a demigod wasn't easy, but you never realized how hard it might have been for Leo. Constantly, bottling up his emotions, overworking himself, always needing to be the 'funny' one to lighten the mood; while there was no one to lighten his mood. You couldn't help but shed a few tears. "I-It's okay." You reassured. You put your hand onto the back of his head. "Just let it out." He continued to let out tears of melancholy onto your shoulder.

One side of him felt utterly pathetic. While the other side of him felt happy to finally release all the tears and feeling he had been holding back for so long. He was so glad to have a girlfriend who could comfort him and help him through this. After a few minutes of crying, he rose his up from your shoulder. You took one look at his face and started crying yourself. Hearing and seeing Leo like that... hurt. It hurt like a dagger was just pierced right through your chest. "I'm sorry-" he tried to apologize for doing nothing wrong at all, but he was cut off by you giving him a strong bear hug. He hugged back; his body was still shaking from the melancholy tears he just let out. "Don't apologize." You sniffled. "You don't ever apologize for that you hear me?!"

"I-I just feel. Inferior, I know I'll never be as important as the others, I know that." He said, his voice was so quavery that you could barely understand him. "Just..." you paused for a second; you were thinking about to say. "Whenever you're thinking that nonsense that you aren't important, just remember that I love you." Tears started to run down your cheeks again as you said that. If you could somehow take his pain and latch it onto you instead. You would, but unfortunately: that was impossible. But fixing his worries wasn't. "Leo. I just want you to know that everybody on this ship loves you." You took your hand and interlocked Leo's fingers with yours. "I love you. Your friends love you. You are so loved and important, I just want you to realize that." Leo cracked a slight smile

Your words meant so much to him that he wished you could realize just how happy your words and embrace made him. Suddenly, he didn't feel like a pathetic boyfriend anymore. He felt strong, And that he was. He was so exhausted from crying but also relieved for letting everything out. You broke the hug and looked at his face. You brushed his final tear away with your thumb. Leo leaned back on your bed; he was now looking at the ceiling. He couldn't help but notice how comfy your bed was, he could stay there with your for hours. You let your body fall on top of his. He gently caressed the side of your face before you leaned in for a gentle kiss. When you kissed him, he felt a warm feeling all throughout his body. Now, the life of a demigod was most definitely not alright. But, at this moment, everything felt alright.

Authors note: I bawled my eyes out while reading the blood of olympus

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