« I brought you some notes from your English Literature and Maths' classes . Iker asked that girl ... I don't recall her name ... »

She stops as she glances me crossing my arms and watching her from the door frame . She lets her arms fall down in exasperation as she puts down the notebooks on my desk , next to the pile of papers and books there .

I may have just met and known Paget , but I can tell when she is lying and when she's not . That's why I feel somewhat comfortable around her , she is a terrible liar .

« Fine . I wanted to check on you . » She says crossing her arms as well and mimicking me as she finally meets my gaze .

« Do I look sick ? »

« I wish that were the case , at least then your attitude would be justifiable . »

I grit my teeth and take a step closer .

I'm not surprised she doesn't understand . She never can . Nobody except me and mom can understand each other and I do not want or hope someone would .

« What a good friend I have ! » I say glaring at her .

« Indeed you do . I envy you sometimes , I wish I could be friends with myself , or someone like myself but ... unfortunately there isn't someone even close to being like me . »

I roll my eyes and walk to my bed to gather my stuff . My eyes move to the balcony , I stare at the empty street that is our neighborhood , only rain pouring down to fill the silence and wet the ground . It's been raining for three hours straight now and it's still the evening , however the rain is only getting stronger , threatening to flood this small town .

I wonder if mom and I had to be homeless here , would we be able to survive ?

« Hannah I ... I have no idea what is going on in your mind . » I turn around holding my books to my chest and walk to put them on my desk while Paget stands in place watching me . « I don't know what you think or what you want or ... anything . You are a very secretive person and I don't wish to intrude but ... if you don't speak about your feelings , it will only harm you . »

Her voice is worried and concerned , so I look at her with a small frown .

Yes I am very mysterious . I don't share my secrets and I certainly have no intention in divulging the details of my life or past to anyone . All that would bring me is pity and some sympathy tears , things I have no need for .

« Mr Oliver had been tough on you lately too , maybe he got on your nerves too much ? If that's the case Iker can convince Ellie to ... »

« No , Paget . » I say firmly .

The last thing I want is an intervention for me with Mr Oliver . He is an ass that's a fact now .

He did his best these last few weeks to get me out of his sight , and although that did kind of get on my nerves , the debate I had with Lily earlier and the way he shrugged the topic off as if it was nothing pushed me to the edge more

« Then what is it ? You can tell me , really ... »

I take in a deep inhale of breath while thinking of an explanation to give her that would be convincing enough to wipe away the worry from her eyes . But I come empty handed .

« I ... it's just ... »

I stay silent after stuttering about what to say . She eyes me expectantly but nothing comes out . Paget finally nods and puts a hand on my shoulder as she starts walking away past me .

« At least you're not trying to lie to me . » She smiles . « That's a start , Gaga . »

« Stop calling me that . » I say with an annoyed tone and turn around to look at her .

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