The anticipation hung heavy in the air as we changed into our competition outfits, the reality of the moment began to sink in. The crisp white aprons and chef hats felt like armor, shielding me while my heart pounded with a mixture of nerves and excitement.

Despite having only a week to prepare, the years of hard work and dedication we had poured into the bakery felt like a solid foundation to carry us through a couple stages. At least, that's what we hoped—I hoped.

Zoe adjusted her apron with determined hands, her expression resolute as she met our gaze. "We've got this," she declared, her voice steady with conviction. "We've worked too damn hard."

Laura nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same determination. "We're a team," she affirmed, her tone unwavering. "And together, there's nothing we can't accomplish."

Overwhelmed by gratitude and fear, I took a deep breath, the weight of responsibility settling on my shoulders like a familiar cloak. "I love you guys," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion as I pulled them both into a tight hug.

"Love you too, Jules," Laura murmured, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

As our embrace loosened, we pulled apart, a sense sense of resolve settled within me, bolstered by the warmth of Laura's affectionate gesture. With one last reassuring smile exchanged between us, we stepped out of the room, our footsteps echoing down the hallway.

We made our way down the corridor towards the kitchen, the hub of activity where the competition would soon unfold. A faint vibration in my pocket caught my attention. Retrieving my phone, I glanced at the screen, hoping to see a message or missed call from Gabriele. But the screen remained blank, devoid of any notifications.

"Is that Gabriele?" Laura inquired, her voice laced with curiosity.

I forced a small smile. "No, it's just... my reminder," I replied, my voice tinged with disappointment as I slipped the phone back into my pocket.

Laura sensed my unease and wisely chose not to probe further, instead offering a supportive smile as we continued our journey towards the kitchen. My heart began to thud with nervous energy, the reality of the moment sinking in.

Upon entering the kitchen, I was immediately struck by the grandeur of the space. The room was laid out in a circular form, with a central stage occupying the very heart of the space. Cameras were strategically positioned around the room, capturing every moment of the competition for eager viewers at home.

The stage itself was adorned with elegant decorations, showcasing the prize awaiting the victorious baker.

Surrounding the stage were individual workstations, each meticulously organized and equipped with everything a chef could need to showcase their skills. From gleaming countertops to state-of-the-art appliances, every detail had been meticulously arranged to ensure a seamless cooking experience.

Rows of chairs were arranged around the perimeter of the room, providing seating for the esteemed guests and spectators who had come to witness the spectacle unfold. A section of the seating area had been designated for the competitors, while the section beside it was designated to the judges.

A hush fell over the room as the guests began to file in, their murmurs of anticipation filling the air. Zoe, Laura, and I found our way to the designated section for competitors. We settled into our seats, exchanging nervous glances as we took in the scene unfolding before us.

A friendly smile greeted us from a middle-aged woman seated nearby. "Hi," she said warmly, introducing herself. "I'm Carla. Carla's Crumbz."

"Nice to meet you, Carla," I replied, returning her smile. "I'm Juliet, and these are my teammates, Zoe and Laura."

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