I watched as the day neared its end, the familiar routine of the bakery playing out before my eyes. Serving customers, overseeing my staff, and ensuring everything was in order had become second nature to me. The memory of the call with the mysterious man lingered in the back of my mind, but I remained focused on my responsibilities, maintaining a sense of normalcy.

I had told Caleb about the call I had with the mysterious man but hadn't delved into the intimate details of how the man's voice had stirred something within me. It was a choice I made to maintain harmony in our relationship, and I was relieved that Caleb had understood and not made an issue of it. I would not want to create any unnecessary fuss about a man I barely knew with a man that I wanted to build a future with. That was a lot of risk I was not willing to take.

However, as the day wound down and closing time approached, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd ever encounter the hazel-eyed stranger again. My curiosity lingered, and a sense of anticipation for the next customer kept me attentive to the door, just in case a new face walked in.

I couldn't help but ponder these questions as I watched the day slowly come to an end. It had struck me as peculiar that the mysterious man hadn't made any further attempts to contact me despite having my number. His voice had sounded warm and inviting, and the conversation we had shared had left a lasting impression.

I found myself wondering why he hadn't called to talk to me or, even more intriguing, why he hadn't paid a visit to my bakery this morning to order a cupcake and chai latte. He had mentioned that he liked my favourite drink, which only added to the mystery. What did he mean by that? Was he implying something more? The possibilities swirled in my mind like the delicate dance of sugar in a mixing bowl.

I was probably thinking too much about this. Caleb's words echoed in my mind, reminding me that I might be overthinking the situation. It was true; the mysterious man's call sparked a sense of excitement within me. For the first time in a long while, a man was giving me attention in a manner that was entirely unexpected and unique.

There was a noticeable imbalance between older and younger residents. The younger population often migrated to the busier side of the city in search of career opportunities or to start and raise their families in more bustling neighborhoods. This side of town, on the other hand, primarily attracted older individuals who had spent their lives working and were now retired.

Some younger or middle-aged couples did choose to stay in our tranquil neighbourhood, either because they had no children or simply preferred the peaceful ambience. It was a place where the pace of life was slower, and the familiar faces of the local community provided a sense of comfort and stability.

The prospect of moving to the more vibrant side of the city had always been on my mind. I had aspirations of living in a bustling neighbourhood with all its opportunities and excitement. However, I knew that such a move would only become a reality after Caleb and I tied the knot.

Perhaps I had allowed my curiosity to run wild, and maybe the man had a simple explanation for his behaviour. I couldn't help but acknowledge that Caleb's perspective was reasonable, and I needed to approach the situation with a more grounded outlook. It was just a phone call, after all, and I shouldn't let it consume my thoughts to this extent.

"What's with the gloomy face, girl?" Zoe bumped shoulders with me.

I felt a smile form on my lips despite the inward contemplation. "Oh, nothing, just a lot on my mind lately."

While we worked diligently to clean and close up the bakery, my mind kept drifting back to the mysterious man, his voice, and the little moment we had shared over the phone. I was well aware of how rumours could easily spread in our small, close-knit community on this side of the city. One word could turn into a thousand-word essay, filled with speculations and inaccuracies.

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