In the quiet of my room, I began my evening routine, preparing to unwind and embrace the comfort of sleep. My cosy sanctuary enveloped me in a familiar embrace as I moved through the motions of getting ready for bed.

As I approached my vanity, the soft, warm glow of the bathroom's ambient lighting illuminated the array of skincare products neatly arranged on the sleek surface. I reached for a gentle cleanser, its soothing fragrance mingling with the calming scent of lavender from a nearby diffuser. With tender care, I massaged the cleanser onto my skin, feeling the day's tensions melt away beneath my fingertips.

The tap water ran, and I splashed my face, the coolness of the water serving as a gentle wake-up call to my senses. A plush, white towel was nearby, awaiting its role as a comforting pat-dry companion, and I used it to delicately blot my skin.

Next, I moved on to a silky, hydrating serum, its texture reminiscent of liquid silk as it glided onto my refreshed skin. The serum was like a drink of water for my complexion, infusing it with much-needed moisture after the cleansing ritual. The fragrance-free formulation allowed for a purely sensory experience, the silky texture sinking effortlessly into my skin.

I reached for a bottle of rich night cream, its luxurious consistency cocooning my skin in a blanket of nourishment. With a gentle upward stroke, I applied the cream, paying special attention to areas that craved extra hydration, like the delicate skin around my eyes and the contours of my cheeks.

My final step involved a lip balm infused with soothing chamomile and honey. The balmy texture was a treat for my lips, and I applied it generously, knowing that it would work its magic overnight, leaving my lips soft and supple come morning.

The soft light of the bedside lamp casts a warm glow across the room, creating a soothing atmosphere. I changed into my comfortable pyjamas and settled under the soft covers, feeling the day's weariness gradually give way to the promise of rest.

My thoughts wandered, as they often did at this hour, to the events of the day. The memory of the mysterious man and the overwhelming order for thirty-six cupcakes still lingered in my mind. I couldn't help but wonder what had prompted such a significant order and whether we'd ever see "thirty-six" or mysterious man again.

As I lay in bed, I reached for my phone on the nightstand and checked for any messages. Caleb had sent me a sweet goodnight message, reassuring me of his love and reminding me of our plans for the weekend. It brought a smile to my face.

With my phone set aside, I closed my eyes and allowed the tranquillity of the night to wash over me. The gentle hum of the city outside my window was like a lullaby, and I knew that sleep would soon carry me away to a world of dreams, where the mysteries of the day would find their place in the tapestry of my thoughts.

As I lay there, my mind slowly drifting into the realm of dreams, my phone suddenly came to life with a gentle vibration. It was an incoming call, and my curiosity was immediately piqued. I reached for the phone and glanced at the screen, and there it was, a name that sent a jolt of excitement and intrigue through me: "Unknown Caller."

With a sense of anticipation, I swiped the screen to accept the call. "Hello?" I spoke softly, my voice a mixture of curiosity and a hint of nervousness.

A deep, velvety voice greeted me from the other end, instantly recognizable. "Julie?"

It was him.

My heart raced as his voice filled my ear, a deep resonance that sent shivers down my spine. "Yes," I replied, trying to sound composed despite the whirlwind of emotions within me.

There was a pause, as though he was deliberating something. Then, he finally spoke. "I thought I'd check in and see how you're doing after the madness of fulfilling the thirty-six cupcakes. I'm still amazed you managed it."

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