The warm aroma of freshly baked pastries enveloped the bakery, a familiar comfort amidst the swirling emotions that occupied my mind. The rhythmic hum of the industrial mixer blended with the gentle melodies playing softly in the background, creating a cocoon of normalcy that shielded me from the external chaos.

As I carefully arranged a tray of delicate croissants, my hands moved with practised precision, a muscle memory honed over years of crafting delectable treats. Yet, beneath the surface, my thoughts were a turbulent sea, stirred by the unanswered message from Gabriele.

The bakery, usually a haven of solace, became a silent witness to the inner turmoil that accompanied the unspoken questions echoing in my mind. Why hadn't he responded? Did he find my message intrusive? Was there something I had missed, a subtle shift in our dynamic that eluded my perception?

The chime above the entrance rang, signalling a customer's arrival, and I shifted my focus to the task at hand, suppressing the gnawing uncertainty that threatened to consume me. As the customer perused the display of pastries, my attention flitted between the interaction and the persistent absence of a response from Gabriele.

"Good morning! How can I help you today?" I greeted, my professional smile masking the undercurrent of unease.

The customer, a regular with a penchant for cinnamon rolls, exchanged pleasantries before placing an order. As I boxed the pastries, my mind continued its relentless dance around the unresolved issue. The friendly banter with the customer became a mechanical routine, a facade that concealed the storm within.

Once the customer left, I retreated to the solitude of the counter, the mini microwave radiating warmth. In the quietude, I retrieved my phone, the screen illuminating with the absence of a new message. The knot in my stomach tightened as I navigated to the chat with Gabriele, hoping for a delayed response that would dispel the growing unease.

No new messages.

A sigh escaped me, and I set the phone down, the unanswered message a palpable weight in the room. Unable to ignore the persistent thoughts, I decided to take a break, stepping outside to the small patio adjacent to the bakery. With a deep breath, I allowed fresh air to fill my lungs, attempting to exhale the lingering anxiety.

As I gazed at the bustling street beyond, a familiar figure caught my eye. It was Avery, seemingly unaware of my presence, strolled down the sidewalk, engrossed in conversation with another person. A pang of jealousy tugged at my chest, for whatever reason was unknown to me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I hastily retrieved it, hoping for a belated response. To my dismay, the notification was from Caleb, a simple check-in message that conveyed his usual. Gratitude mixed with guilt, as I replied, assuring him that all was well.

The juxtaposition of Caleb's unwavering support and Gabriele's silence intensified the emotional whirlwind within me. As I returned to the bakery, the routine tasks offered a momentary respite, a temporary escape from the unanswered questions that lingered like shadows.

The jingle of the bakery door announced Peter's entrance, his familiar voice carrying a warmth that cut through the ambient tension. I looked up from the counter, a grateful smile playing on my lips as I greeted him.

"Peter! It's always a pleasure to see you," I exclaimed, the genuine joy in my voice masking the underlying turmoil.

His eyes twinkled with the familiarity of routine, and he approached the counter with a friendly grin. "Julie, my dear, you always brighten up this place. How's my favourite baker doing today?"

The compliment elicited a genuine laugh from me, a momentary release from the weight of unresolved thoughts. "I'm doing well, Peter. What can I get you today?"

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