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JUSTIN REYES"you bipolar

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"you bipolar."


JAY lifted his head up seeing malaysia coming into the classroom. and she was the complete opposite that she was yesterday.

she had a big smile on her face, and she skipped over to her seat.

jay snickered as malaysia whipped her head to him with her eyebrows raised. "what's funny mr grinch." malaysia asked sassily as jay just rolled his eyes.

she then sat down in her seat before sitting her stuff on her desk and swinging her feet with her hands supporting her face.

jay watched malaysia closely with a stank face. he didn't appreciate how she wasn't paying attention to him, and they weren't doing their daily arguing.

"help me with this." jay said standing up before pulling up a chair besides malaysia. and she looked at him with a small glare.

"that's not how you ask boy." malaysia said smirking, but jay just gave her a bored look. he then grabbed her behind her nape in a split second causing her to wince forward.

"alright alright let me go." malaysia said as jay quickly let go. he then smirked before slapping his paper down onto the desk.

he sat down in the chair before leaning back in the seat. malaysia then grabbed the paper examining it before looking back at him.

"this is so easy, it literally got taught yesterday." malaysia said letting a small laugh out. and jay just glared at her unamused.

"i was sleep, just do it." jay said sassily as malaysia rolled her eyes. she then slid the paper next to him before explaining.

"okay the first problem was it nine or seven?" malaysia asked in her teacher mode as jay examined the problem.

he then leaned back awkwardly before scratching behind his head. "look this question nine right here." jay said as malaysia leaned back with disbelief.

"okay, answer my question with a fucking yes or no bro." malaysia said stressing as jay tried to explain himself.

"was it nine or seven?" malaysia asked again as jay came closer to re-examined the problem just incase he was tripping.

"ima circle this-nigga! was it nine or seven?!" malaysia asked cutting him off as he started laughing at how mad she was getting.

"you know what-" malaysia said shaking her head as jay continued to laugh. "nah hold on hold on."
jay said trying to prove himself. but malaysia was having none of it.

"okay..do you understand this part?" malaysia asked looking up at jay who looked back at her before shrugging.

"jay look at me." malaysia said as he did what she asked. "okay..do you understand?" malaysia asked trying to get jay to keep up with her.

"i mean i guess." jay said as malaysia looked at him like he was dumb. "alright, we'll work on this later because you're stressing me out." malaysia said as her and jay then laughed.

eventually the bell rung as malaysia and jay seperated ways. malaysia then started walking over to her locker where ddot, notti, and dd was at..and staring at her.

and dd had a small glare on his face. they all watched the way she walked out the classroom laughing with jay.

malaysia eventually got to her locker, and the three boys was ready to interrogate her.

"oh yall cool now? what happened to yall fake beef?" notti asked as him and ddot laughed. but dd wasn't laughing at all.

"nah nah ion like that, bae you cheating on me? with my BROTHER?" dd said dramatically as malaysia and the two boys laughed at him.

"we not together, plus that's just my friend, atleast i think." malaysia said shrugging as dd shook his head quickly.

"you can't have friends, im ya friend and lover all in one. i'm a care package." dd said rolling his eyes as malaysia just laughed at the boy.

"dd bro shut up." jay said coming up from behind malaysia as he leaned against his locker. and malaysia just looked at him with a small smirk.

"stop touching her, she don't fuck whichu." jay said to dd who rolled his eyes once again. "nah she don't fuck with YOU." dd said as the group laughed except jay.

and malaysia couldn't lie, it was kind of sexy to her how jay came up from behind her and shut the situation down with her and dd. but that was simply an acquaintance.

"alright let's go to lunch ya." ddot said as the group nodded before leaving.

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