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JUSTIN REYES"what's up whichu

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"what's up whichu."


JAY walked inside the classroom immediately going over to his seat. and he did take a notice to malaysia not being in class yet.

he just shrugged and went on about his day. he sat down in his chair, kicked his feet up, leaned back, and closed his eyes.

malaysia walked into the classroom immediately putting her hood over her head. she was having a very bad morning.

she was very emotional due to her period, and her hormones was everywhere. play kay wouldn't let her miss school today.

malaysia sat down in her seat as she sniffled from the crying she was doing earlier. jay opened one eye hearing the girl before closing his eyes again.

malaysia just sat still while staring off into space. she really would rather be anywhere else, and a example was her bed.

jay opened his eyes before removing his feet off his desk. he then scooted up before tapping malaysia on the shoulder.

malaysia slowly turned around seeing jay staring directly at her. and he looked a bit concerned.

"what?" malaysia asked not in the mood. her eyes were funny and red, and her nose was too.

"what's wrong whichu." jay asked leaning back in his seat as malaysia immediately turned back around.

she didn't have time to be interrogated. plus why did he care? he always did his very best to make sure she had a shitty day.

malaysia just sat her head down before closing her eyes. she was having the worst day ever. her stomach was cramping, and she was hungry. kay was definitely getting it when she got home from school.

jay just mugged his head back offended that malaysia flat out ignored him. so he slowly lifted his foot up and put it on malaysia's chair.

malaysia wasn't in the mood at all. so she grabbed all her stuff and moved her seat to the side of the room where nobody was.

and kay just watched her. he realized she really wasn't in the mood. so he stood up aswell and went over besides her.

jay sat down beside malaysia who eyes started to water. "what's wrong." jay asked crossing his arms as malaysia just wiped her eyes.

"leave me alone.." malaysia said quietly as jay shrugged. she then rolled her eyes before getting up and exiting the classroom.

jay watched he with mad confusion before standing up once again and following her.

he didn't know why he was so intrigued to know what was wrong, but he didn't like how he couldn't argue with her since she was in a pissy mood this morning.

malaysia stood infront of her locker as she crouched down onto the floor. she started to cry in her hands as jay went behind her.

jay just titled his head confused. why was she crying? and most importantly who made her cry?

"yo, why you crying for." jay asked as malaysia quickly turned around and fixed her face. she started to wipe her eyes before standing up straight.

"why do you care dude, you cussed me out in the deli just last week." malaysia said crossing her arms.

but jay couldn't focus on her question. she looked really pretty with her red face. her nose and eyes were red. and he felt something inside of him.

"you bumped into me." jay said shrugging as malaysia just rolled her eyes. "but it was never that deep, you could've just said my bad." malaysia said as jay shook his head quickly.

"why would i say sorry? you bumped into me nigga." jay said as malaysia let out a small laugh, and he felt his heart beating quickly.

"you're a dickhead bro." malaysia said pushing him slightly as he took a step back. he looked at the spot malaysia pushed before looking back at malaysia.

malaysia didn't know why she just pushed him, but it just happened.

jay then grabbed malaysia in a split second before pulling her hand behind her back. "get off me dickhead!" malaysia said attempting to get away, but jay wouldn't let go.

"say sorry." jay said smirking as malaysia laughed loudly. "alright alright i'm sorry!" malaysia said as jay quickly let go.

malaysia winced before rubbing her arm, she then pushed his head slightly before running to the opposite side of the hallway while laughing.

"ima beat ya ass gangsta." jay said laughing aswell. and malaysia sat there still with her mouth parted.

she didn't expect jay to laugh. and she didn't expect her to be the one to cause it.

"i thought you were the grinch, guess not." malaysia said shrugging while jay walked over to her.

"and i thought you was his dog, guess not." jay said mocking her as malaysia's mouth opened in offense.

"okay you got it." malaysia said as the two then started laughing.

"you're not that bad.." malaysia whispered as jay turned to look at her. the two were now walking back to class.

"you not that bad either, you still annoying as fuck tho." jay said as malaysia rolled her eyes.

"kiss my ass." malaysia said causing jay to smirk. it definitely wasn't an offer he would pass up.

"shut up and go in the classroom." jay said pushing malaysia in the class. and they sat back down in their regular seats.

after this day, something in the both of them changed completely.

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