Ch 27 : Confession

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As Smriti was lost in her thoughts, a sudden noise jolted her back to reality. Rushing outside, she saw an olive jeep coming to a halt just outside the camp.

Smriti's eyes widened in disbelief as she saw Harleen stepping out, unharmed, escorted by another soldier of lower rank. Unable to contain her joy, Smriti ran towards Harleen and leaped into her arms. Harleen, equally elated, forgot about their surroundings and twirled Smriti in her arms. It was a moment of relief for both of them, after enduring the agony of distance and uncertainty. Now, as this nightmare came to an end, they embraced each other, their relationship taking on a new, unspoken dimension.

The other girls, sensing the moment, quickly gathered around, hugging Harleen, congratulating her, and bombarding her with questions about what had happened. Harleen, her voice tinged with somberness, began to recount the harrowing events.

"We were stationed at the skylines of Kupwara," Harleen began, her gaze distant as she recalled the intense moments. "A troop of three air brone terrorists launched a sudden attack on our position. Our task was to secure the skylines, and we took it upon ourselves with utmost determination."

Listening intently, the team absorbed every word as Harleen continued her account. "The situation was unpredictable. We didn't know the strength of the terrorists, so it was like walking into a black box. But we fought bravely, inching closer to victory with each passing moment."

As she spoke, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily in the air. "Just when we thought it was almost over, an enemy plane swooped in unexpectedly. We had to quickly devise a new plan to counter the threat. That's when I made the call to switch off our radio communications. To create a bluff. Thus getting disconnected from the hq as well"

Her words hung in the air, the tension palpable. "It was a risky move, but it paid off in the end. With our communications silenced, the enemy couldn't intercept our plans. We managed to neutralize the enemy plane and destroy their bunkers, securing a victory."

The team breathed a collective sigh of relief, their expressions softening with gratitude and admiration for Harleen's bravery. It was a moment of triumph and unity as they stood together, grateful for Harleen's safe return.

Later In the quiet sanctuary of Smriti's room, the two girls found each other sitting quietly. Smriti's eyes were brimming with unshed tears as she looked at Harleen, her heart heavy with worry. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, her voice laced with concern.

Harleen's gaze met Smriti's, her expression a mixture of reassurance and empathy. "Yes, I'm okay," she replied, her voice gentle yet firm. "But are you okay, Smriti?"

Unable to articulate her emotions, Smriti simply wrapped her arms around Harleen, seeking comfort in the warmth of their embrace. Tears welled up in her eyes as she buried her face against Harleen's shoulder, letting her emotions spill forth unchecked.

"I was so scared when you went missing," Smriti confessed, her voice choked with emotion. "The news was showing such horrifying reports, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you."

Harleen held Smriti close, her heart aching at the sight of Smriti's distress. With tender words of reassurance, she sought to ease Smriti's fears, offering a comforting presence in her time of need.

As Smriti poured out her heart, she couldn't help but reveal the depth of her emotions. "I read your letters," she admitted, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "And now that I knew how you felt, I was even more devastated than before. You got to express your feelings to me through those letters, but I couldn't."

Harleen listened intently, her brow furrowed in concern. "What do you mean?" she asked softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "What is it that you couldn't say?"

"From the moment I saw you, Harleen, I knew there was something about you," Smriti confessed, her voice trembling with raw honesty. "You came to my life, creeped inside my heart, you became my oasis in the soul desert of darkness."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken longing and unfulfilled desires. Smriti continued, her voice wavering as she bared her soul to Harleen. "You know, when you left once before, it felt like a part of me went missing," she admitted, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I tried to find peace in someone else's arms, but it was never the same. Palash was a rebound, and I knew it deep down."

Harleen listened intently, her heart aching. She reached out and gently took Smriti's hand in hers, offering silent support and understanding.

Smriti: "Harleen, what I mean is, These past few days, without you, it's made me realize, I can't bear being without you. The thought of loosing you makes me feel like a bunch of snakes just crawled into my heart and sucked it dry!
The truth is, I'm in love with you. And all my heart ever want is you."

*her voice trembling with emotion*

"You mean everything to me, Harleen. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

Harleen: *reaching out to gently wipe away Smriti's tears* "You've filled my heart in ways I never knew was possible. I love you, Smriti."

Smriti: *leaning closer, a smile breaking through her tears* "Thank you, thank you for for coming into my life, Harleen. Thank you for everything."

Harleen: *pulling Smriti into a tender embrace* Thank you for never giving up on me! For tolerating me in the toughest of times. I've never been happier than I am in this moment, with you."

As Harleen drew Smriti into her embrace, the tension melted away, leaving only a sense of warmth and belonging. Their hearts beat in unison as they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. Time seemed to stand still as they shared this intimate moment, each touch and caress deepening the connection between them. It was a moment they would treasure forever, the beginning of a new chapter in their journey together.

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