Ch 24 : The truth

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After harleen left, Smriti delved deeper into the letters Harleen had left her, each word seemed to bridge the gap between them, drawing them closer despite the miles that separated them. With each letter, Smriti found herself transported to a world where Harleen's voice echoed through the pages, sharing her experiences, her fears, and her hopes.

In the first letter, Harleen recounted her initial days at the camp, describing the rigorous training and the challenges she faced. Smriti couldn't help but smile as she read about Harleen's struggles and triumphs, feeling a sense of pride in her friend's resilience.

Moving on to the next letter, Smriti was captivated by Harleen's candid reflections on her journey. With each word, she felt herself drawn into Harleen's world, experiencing her highs and lows alongside her. Despite the distance, the letters brought them closer together, forging a connection that transcended time and space.

But it was the twenty fourth letter that weighed the heaviest on Smriti's heart. As she unfolded the pages, she braced herself for what lay within, not knowing that this letter held the key to unlocking the truth of Harleen's heart.

Harleen's letter :

My Dear Smriti,

As I sit down to write this letter to you, my heart overflows with memories of the first moment we shared together. From the very first time our paths crossed on the cricket field to the days we spent together at your home, each moment holds a special place in my heart.

I still remember that day vividly—the cricket match between Maharashtra and Himachal. You were playing for Maharashtra, and I was representing Himachal. It was my first time bowling in the crease, to you, The myth, the legend, Smriti Mandhana. The anticipation, the nervousness, and the excitement—all culminated in that first ball I bowled to you.

But instead of feeling disappointed when you smashed that ball for a six, I felt something else entirely. It was in that moment love, that I realized I was going to be obsessed with you forever. You became the centre of my world without me even realizing it.

As the days turned into weeks and our friendship blossomed, I found myself drawn to you in ways I couldn't explain. The time we spent together at the rehab center, the laughter we shared, and the quiet moments of understanding—all contributed to the depth of my feelings for you.

And then came the moment when you spoke to me about Palash, and my heart just broke into pieces. I wanted to be a good friend to you, Smriti, to support you in your happiness, even if it meant hiding my own feelings. All I ever wanted was to see you smile, to see you happy and fulfilled.

My love for you, Smriti, is the purest of all. It doesn't demand anything in return—it simply exists, quietly and steadfastly, ready to support you in whatever way you need. You are the light of my life, and I will do anything to make sure that light never fades.

With all my love,


Smriti sat there, the weight of Harleen's words heavy on her mind. Everything she thought she knew suddenly felt like a lie. How could she have missed the signs? How could she have been so blind to Harleen's feelings all this time?

Her thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief. What did this mean for her? What did she feel about the situation? Smriti couldn't make sense of her own emotions. She felt like she was going bonkers, her mind racing with questions and doubts. This changes everything!

Smriti didn't know what to do or how to process everything she was feeling. All she knew was that her world had been turned upside down in an instant, and she didn't know how to make sense of it all.

Overwhelmed by the revelations in Harleen's letters, Smriti couldn't bring herself to continue reading. The weight of Harleen's words felt like too much to bear. With trembling hands, she tossed the letters into the drawer, unable to process the flood of emotions swirling inside her.

Curling up beneath the warmth of the duvet, Smriti sought solace in the darkness of sleep. She needed time to sort through the tumultuous thoughts and feelings that now consumed her mind. For now, sleep offered the only respite from the overwhelming whirlwind of emotions that threatened to engulf her.

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