Ch 12 : Reunion

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Chinnaswamy Stadium, Smriti Mandhana while walking outside the nets, was lost in conversation with Palash. She recounted the events of her day, her voice filled with excitement and anticipation as she shared every detail with her newfound confidante.

Unbeknownst to her, inside the elevator, Harleen Deol was pondering upon what she's going to say to smriti once they comeface to face, her heart pounding with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. It had been eight long months since they had last seen each other, and the prospect of their reunion filled Harleen with a sense of longing she couldn't quite explain.

As Smriti's voice echoed through the corridors, the elevator doors began to close, threatening to cut off their connection before it had even begun. But hearing Smriti's voice Harleen, hit the emergency stop button just in time for her to slip inside.

Breathless and flushed with excitement, Harleen found herself face to face with Smriti, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of her friend. For a moment, they simply stood there, drinking in each other's presence.

As the elevator came to a halt, Smriti Mandhana's anger simmered just beneath the surface, her eyes flashing with frustration and hurt as she turned to face Harleen Deol. For months, she had tried to reach out to her friend, only to be met with silence and avoidance-a betrayal she found difficult to forgive.

Harleen, on the other hand, felt a pang of guilt gnaw at her insides as she met Smriti's accusing gaze. All she wanted was to explain, to make Smriti understand the turmoil that had consumed her during their time apart. But she knew that words alone would not be enough to mend the rift that had formed between them.

In a voice tinged with regret, Harleen offered a hesitant hello, her heart heavy with the weight of unspoken apologies. Yet, even as she spoke, she could see the anger simmering in Smriti's eyes, a silent accusation that cut her to the core.

With a deep breath, Harleen tried to explain, her words stumbling over one another in her haste to convey her remorse. She spoke of emergencies and uncertainties, of the turmoil that had plagued her in recent months, and the difficulty she had faced in finding the courage to reach out to Smriti.

But Smriti's anger remained unabated, her hurt too raw to be assuaged by mere words. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she turned away from Harleen, her heart heavy with disappointment and betrayal.

As the elevator doors slid open, Smriti stepped out into the corridor, her steps heavy with the weight of unresolved emotions. She longed to forgive Harleen, to mend the fractured bonds of their friendship, but she knew that it would take time-a time that neither of them could afford to waste. And so, with a heavy heart, she retreated into the sanctuary of her room, leaving Harleen to grapple with the consequences of her actions alone.

As Harleen stepped into the room, her heart heavy with apprehension, she found herself met with an empty silence. Smriti's ignorance hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the rift that had formed between them. But Harleen was determined to bridge the gap, to make amends for the hurt she had caused her friend.

Summoning her courage, Harleen resolved to take action. She sought out Jemi, knowing that the other girl would understand Smriti's likes and dislikes better than anyone. With Jemi's guidance, Harleen embarked on a mission to make amends, to show Smriti that she was willing to go the extra mile to earn her forgiveness.

In the kitchen, armed with a collection of ingredients and a determination to make things right, Harleen set to work. With Jemi's instructions and the help of the internet, she embarked on the daunting task of recreating Smriti's favorite dish-bhel Puri.

As the aroma of spices filled the air, Harleen poured her heart and soul into the task at hand, her hands moving with purpose as she carefully crafted each element of the dish. And when the final product was ready, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her accomplishment.

Meanwhile, Smriti's frustration simmered just beneath the surface as she retreated to her bed, seeking warmth in the comfort of her covers. She had hoped for some sign of effort from Harleen, some gesture of remorse to show that she was truly sorry for her actions. But as the minutes ticked by, Smriti's hope began to wane, replaced by a sense of resignation.

Yet, just as she was on the verge of succumbing to despair, Harleen burst into the room, a bowl of bhel Puri in her hands and a look of contrition on her face. With a heartfelt apology and a gesture of humility, Harleen offered her creation to Smriti, hoping against hope that it would be enough to earn her forgiveness.

To Harleen's relief and delight, Smriti's face lit up with joy at the sight of the bhel Puri, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she eagerly dug in. And as she savored the flavors, her heart swelled with gratitude for her friend's efforts.
Smriti threw her arms around Harleen, pulling her into a tight embrace. In that moment, all was forgiven, and the bond between them was stronger than ever before. And as they sat together, sharing laughter and stories over the delicious meal.
As Harleen watched Smriti's joyous expression, she couldn't help but admire her simplicity, beauty, and grace. In that moment, Harleen realized that these qualities were what had initially drawn her to Smriti. It was then that she began to understand the depth of her feelings for this girl. At this moment harleen knew, that she can do anything and everything to see the other girl smile like that. Who is she Kidding, she's madly in love with Smriti Mandhana.

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