Ch 10 : Aftermath

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As Harleen hastily packed her bag and prepared to leave Smriti's home, a whirlwind of emotions swept through her, leaving her feeling both stunned and conflicted. Smriti watched in silence, her heart heavy with concern, yet unable to find the words to stop her friend from leaving. It was so random!

On her journey home, Harleen's mind raced with questions and doubts. Why had Smriti's mami's words affected her so deeply? Why did the thought of Smriti getting married fill her with such inexplicable unease?

In the solitude of her journey, Harleen found herself reflecting on the moments she had shared with Smriti-their playful banter on the cricket field, their quiet walks through the streets of Australia, and the sacred bond they had formed. Each memory played out in her mind like scenes from a movie, each one adding to the complex tapestry of emotions that swirled within her.

As she delved deeper into her thoughts, Harleen realized that what she felt for Smriti was more than just friendship. It was a deep, profound connection that transcended the boundaries of platonic affection. But what exactly was it? Love? Infatuation? She couldn't say for sure.

Fear gripped her heart as she grappled with the intensity of her emotions. This was uncharted territory, a realm of feeling she had never explored before. And yet, amidst the uncertainty and confusion, one thing became abundantly clear-whatever she felt for Smriti was pure and undeniable.

With a heavy heart and a mind clouded with uncertainty, Harleen confronted the truth that lay buried within her soul. She was in love with Smriti Mandhana. And though the realization filled her with a sense of trepidation, it also ignited a flicker of hope-the hope that perhaps, in time, she would find the courage to embrace this newfound love and all the joys and challenges that came with it.

As Harleen's flight delayed, the weight of her newfound truth bore down on her with increasing intensity. Fear gnawed at her insides, uncertainty clouding her thoughts. Staying close to Smriti now seemed like a dangerous prospect, a temptation she couldn't afford to entertain.

In a moment of desperation, Harleen reached for her phone, her fingers trembling as she dialed the number of her closest confidante-Jemi. As Smriti's best friend, Jemi would understand the complexities of their relationship better than anyone else. With a deep breath, Harleen pressed the call button, hoping that Jemi would provide the guidance she so desperately sought.

Meanwhile, Smriti found herself lost in a sea of turmoil, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. Harleen's sudden departure had left her stunned and bewildered, her heart heavy with worry for her friend. And the unsettling conversation with her mami about marriage had only added to her distress, casting a shadow over her thoughts that she couldn't shake.

Desperate for a distraction, Smriti turned to her phone, scrolling mindlessly through Instagram for distraction. Amidst the flood of messages and notifications, one chat caught her eye-a message from a fan who had sent her words of encouragement and admiration. Intrigued, Smriti responded with a polite thank you, only to find herself drawn into a conversation that offered unexpected comfort.

The person on the other end, a music director named Palash, seemed genuinely interested in Smriti's well-being, offering words of reassurance and understanding that eased the burden of her troubled mind. In his presence, Smriti found herself opening up about her insecurities, sharing her fears and doubts in a way she rarely did with others.

As the conversation unfolded, Smriti felt a sense of relief wash over her, the weight of her worries lifting with each exchanged message. Palash's kindness and empathy provided a soothing balm for her troubled soul, offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume her.

With a grateful heart, Smriti bid Palash goodnight, feeling a sense of peace settle over her as she drifted off to sleep. In the quiet of her room, surrounded by the comforting embrace of her thoughts, she found herself grateful for the unexpected connection that had brought her solace in her time of need. And as she surrendered to the embrace of sleep, she allowed herself to let go of the turmoil that had plagued her, trusting that brighter days lay ahead.

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