Ch 13 : Heartache

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Harleen sat in stunned silence as Smriti poured her heart out about Palash. Each word felt like a dagger to Harleen's heart, a painful reminder of the unrequited feelings she harbored for her friend. Despite the ache in her chest, Harleen knew she had to be there for Smriti, to offer her unwavering support and encouragement.

With a heavy heart, Harleen forced a smile and nodded as Smriti spoke, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She scrolled through Palash's Instagram with feigned interest, masking the turmoil within her. Deep down, she longed to tell Smriti how she truly felt, to confess her love and lay bare her vulnerability. But she knew it was not the time nor the place.

Later that night, Harleen sought comfort in the arms of her confidante, Jemi. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she bared her soul, revealing the depth of her love for Smriti and the agony of knowing it would never be returned in the same way. Jemi listened with compassion, sharing her own experiences of heartache and offering words of wisdom and comfort. She was the only one who knew about all this mess.

In that moment of vulnerability, Harleen made a difficult decision-to suppress her own feelings and prioritize Smriti's happiness above all else. She resolved to love her friend from afar, to support her in her budding romance with Palash, even as it tore her apart inside. It was a selfless act, born out of love and sacrifice, and Harleen knew it was the right thing to do.

As she cried into Jemi's comforting embrace, Harleen began the arduous process of healing and acceptance. Though her heart still ached with longing, she found comfort in the knowledge that she had chosen to be the supportive friend that Smriti deserved, no matter the cost to her own happiness.

As the sun rose over the Chinnaswamy Stadium, anticipation crackled in the air like static electricity. Today was not just another match day for Smriti; it was a defining moment in her cricketing journey. With the weight of captaincy resting on her shoulders, she felt a mixture of excitement and nerves pulsating through every fiber of her being.

Adding to the significance of the day were the presence of her parents and her newfound boyfriend, Palash, in the stands. The thought of performing well in front of her loved ones fueled Smriti's determination to excel on the field.

Despite the inner turmoil she faced, Smriti confided in Harleen, sharing the complexities of her emotions. Harleen, though grappling with her own unspoken feelings, rallied behind her friend, offering unwavering support and encouragement.

As the match unfolded, India's prowess shone under Smriti's astute leadership, clinching victory against a formidable Bangladesh side. Jemi's stellar performance earned her the title of player of the match, adding to the team's triumph.

In the jubilant atmosphere of the dressing room post-match, Smriti took a moment to introduce Harleen to Palash, a gesture that harbored a bittersweet ache within Harleen's heart. Despite her own inner turmoil, she greeted Palash with genuine warmth, wishing the couple well before excusing herself.

Alone in the solitude of the night, Harleen delved into the act of writing, pouring her heart out onto the pages of her journal. She chronicled the journey of her friendship with Smriti, the blossoming of her love, and the painful realization that she could never truly be with the one she adored.

With a heavy heart and tear-stained ink, Harleen made a solemn vow to herself-to conceal her feelings behind a facade of friendship, to support Smriti's happiness above all else, even if it meant sacrificing her own. In the silent hours of the night, she swore to play the role of a friend, masking the ache of unrequited love with a smile and a steadfast resolve.

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